Blender crashing on selecting "empty"

I am just finishing the “a ride through the mines tute” and every time I click on the “empty” Blender crashes. Is this an anomoly or something that happens?

This obviously happened to others too.
Search the forum with “empty” and “crashes” you will get three topics perhaps bearing the answer.

this seems to happen, if you are running windows, and your computer has intel videochip. I have three of those here at work, and all of them crash when I do that. also, if you select single armature bone.

so mainly, I just model here at work… do all the rest at home. :slight_smile:


ARG!!! So THAT’S what my problem is. This is bad. “My” fast machine has this problem, and my dinky home machine has trouble even loading the blends I was making - too big for the slow processor. Plus its one of the ATI cards that is agonizingly slow on the refreshes.

Is anyone possibly, hopefully trying to fix it? I posted the problem on the bugtracker but this explains why there’s been no response I guess.

A blazingly fast machine that crashes blazingly fast. Sigh.

my bro got a new 2ghz 256mb ram blah blah blah pc,

i have a 800mhz 128mb ram laptop, suits me fine.

couldn’t do anythin on his cause xp gave errors when i selected empties.

work on his faster machine was just to slow %|

Interesting what problems we stumble onto. I have same situation, fast crashing work machine and slow reliable home comp. Well, atleast that gives me some idea of how to solve the problem.


Why not turn off your video drivers?