Blender Created Normal Map makes low poly character look lower poly, confused

Hi Guys

SO I’m messing around with normal maps and read up on a lot of tutorials on how its done but my model looks more “edgy and harsh” after i have applied the normal map, i have no idea whats going on.

My process
Duplicated Low poly object, Alt - S for scale and used as cage,
Duplicated Low poly object added subsurf modifier added a diffuse material.
Created a new image for normal,
Selected high poly, then low poly then selected the cage on the drop down menu and hit bake.
normal map was created.
added and linked all the correct nodes.

Any Ideas?


The image node is set to color, should be non-color for normal map. That’s all I can see since you didn’t provide an example .blend.

I’ll give it a try. Will post the blend when I can. Merry Christmas!

Blend attached, changed to non colour data and it looks worse


Agnes.blend (1.15 MB)

You did not pack the textures into the file…
So, not much for us to check.

My Sincere apologies, i am such a newb… so after i packed the file i dont get the effect discussed above anymore.

have a look?


Agnes.blend (3.61 MB)

Checked the file and switching image node between color and non-color gives the artifacts you had in your post

color on the left, non-color on the right

Seems once i packed the images, everything worked perfectly, thank you for your assist.

Packing the images had nothing to do with the issue, which as JA points out in the 2nd post was the fact you had your normal map set to color instead of non-color.

And in the fourth post you’ll notice I did change it. But the moment I packed the blend all was good. To be honest I’m just happy for the help and that everything is working now.