Hey all, I’m having a tough time figuring out what is causing my model not to render. I’m trying to render this model in cycles but it just doesn’t render, also the render progress bar is at 0%, nothing is happening.
Any idea?
Hey @Aztec3DStudios ,
I’m just checking the normal stuff here. Are your objects Visible for rendering? Do your camera settings fit? Its hard to know what is causing this without further infos. Could you show us which render settings and which objects settings you are using? Sometimes when Blender does get buggy the best thing you can do is copy paste the whole scene into a completely new file, you would be surprised how many things i fixed through that ^^. Other than that all ,you can of course share your file to have us look into it.
Everything is visible camera and all. And thats exactly what I did, copy and paste the models and lighting into a new file but that didn’t work either. I also thought it might’ve been the version I was using of blender, so I updated to 2.93.1 from 2.93, but it didn’t work either. It’s funny because it was working completely fine earlier today but now its not working at all.
Hm then i dont know what to say. You could try to run it on a completely other device or let someone here look into into, but from what we got i have no idea what it could be
Okay I found out it was the model that was in the scene that was refusing to render, I also tried rendering in workbench and the exact occurrence happens, if I take the model out of the scene it works completely fine. The problem now though is that I need this model to render. I’ve uploaded the file, maybe you can take a look and see what’s up?
(Btw, I’ve taken the actual model that was being rendered out, its just the mannequin human base mesh model that was not allowing blender to render)
I can get it to render. It just takes a very long time preparing to render. I suspect it’s related to the Subdivision Surface modifier. Turning the render levels to 0 makes it render straight away. The actual mesh is triangulated which I suspect doesn’t play well with subdividing.
I also tried going into Edit mode, selecting everything, pressing F3 and searches for and running Tris to Quads. This made it start rendering a little quicker. There’s just a lot of geometry. Throwing 2 levels of subdivision on top is causing the slow to start rendering… exacerbated by it being composed of triangles.
Holyshit, thank you so much! it totally worked after turning off subdivision modifier and changing tris to quads.
Here’s what happens when you apply 2 levels of subdivision to a quad-based mesh (on left) and a triangulated version of that (right). It get’s messy.
Damn that’s very interesting, thank you for telling me!