Is It possible to change blenders default material? I mean like permenently.
I can’t test it at the moment but you should just need to save it as part of your user prefs.
Open a new Blender document to get your current default set-up then change the material as desired, (reset to preferred default window when you’re done) then press CTRL-U to save the set-up as your default.
The same applies to almost every default Blender setting including screen layouts, on-screen objects (cube, camera, lamps), filepaths etc. Set Blender up exactly how you’d like it to start every time then save with CTRL-U.
As far as I know it is defined in the source of Blender. It shouldn’t be too hard to find and modify it to be desired.
I don’t think there’s a way to alter it in the UI. I could be wrong though.
yo little purple martian dude wit da kool shades wazzup witda freznupple thang?
My suggestion is to create a few starter materials, fake user them (click the F) and ctrl-U. Then they will be loaded and available. To use them, select your object, select the material from the material list, then click the number to make a single-user copy, and then edit the settings to your liking. There is no way for a user to change the settings loaded when you click ADD NEW.
I’d agree with BeBraw and Roger…I guess you mean the material that pops up when you click on “Add new”?
This is not editable by changing user defaults, I think, and I don’t see a way to change it easily. Well, if you consider compiling Blender’s source on your own as easy, then it won’t be too hard, though, as he said.
Uhh…Im barely familiar with compiling on that level, unless its like one file or something, but if it involves linking a bunch of files , I would most likely be lost. Mybe I should just stick with using the library script. Thanks for the suggestions tho.
Hmmm, CTRL-U worked fine for me - what am I doing wrong???!!!
Rodja: keep up man - purple Martian dude (aka “Ray Tracin”) don’t be wearin no shades no more. He’s got bigger problems to deal with now.
Well, as far as I have understood, he means the material which pops up when you hit “Add new” in the materials tab. You can’t change that by changing user defaults, you can only add a new material and then change that one by doing Ctrl+U.
Or so I think ^^;
When I start a new project, the materials tab has “MA: Material” showing by default. It’s an 80% white (or thereabouts). I have it applied to the default cube which prevents it disappearing at shut-down. Apparently this is not normal so I must have changed it ages ago and forgotten.
So it basically comes back to what Roger said - create a material (or a few) then save that as your default set-up. If you want a bunch of default materials then set them with a Fake User as Rodg suggested.
The beauty of materials is that any new material you create will be based on the selected material. So you could have have some low spec and high spec materials in a basic range of colours as a starting point for a range of new materials.