I like blender because it’s reactive and very fast …
Working with since v 1.7, it always displayed well .
But on my new desktop (p4 3Ghz HT, radeon 8500 64megs) the display is awfully slow. Like with max and a dozen of modifiers …
2 sec waiting when selcting a mesh or lamp, when zooming I become crazy, the panels are updating selections in 4 seconds etc …
The same files are displaying well on my laptop as usual !
When rendering it’s fast, the use of 1 thread or two works fine, so …
The other softs using open gl seem to work as usual, only blender behave slowly .
Is it XP pro, the graphic driver, or the hardware …
I never install the latest versions of ati drivers … Had a lot of problems reverting to old ones when something was bugging in the display, as usual with ati .
But i will try to see if the problem is that . But since I never had problems with the graphic driver, using blender, before I changed the motherboard and cpu . And that max, AE etc … works fine, i thought it could be something wrong with XPpro sp2 or something like that !
i have an ati 9200 and blender ran really slow until i updated my graphic card drivers to the latest one and now it runs perfect and i dont have the slowdown issue