Could anyone give an idea please about the issue: I have Windows 2000 in my Athlon 2.4 single core pc… I downloaded the latest Blender version and installed it but it does not find Python (already installed also)… Despite that some other apps find it… What may be going on?
I have the same problem with the newest blender version i just downloaded. Untill now i was with an old and it detected Python but now the new version doesn’t. I reinstalled Python and Blender but still the same
you probably installed the wrong python. see how two windows open when blender is running? the little dos box looking one is the python console and it says compiled with pothon 2.5? you need python 5 point 5 installed to its default location. you also might need the msvc redistrubitable
you’re welcome. when you start blender it says "compiled with python X.X.X that xxx is the version you need. on linux blender uses python 2.6, and all version of blender 2.5 might use python 3.0, but python console (the black and white text window) will always tell you what version you need.
my bad luck is holdingup. right after i open my mouth the new blender 2.49a official release uses python 2.6.2. it is safe to have python 2.5 and python 2.6 installed on the same pc so just install both if you want multiple versions of blender installed. the reason you would want older versions of blender is some scripts, espically import and export scripts, work better in older versions. just use the zip versions rather than the msi installer versions.
Rdo3 just another question: I have a lot of time to use Blender… it is something as a new beginning at it, so I have some more things to learn… The older version, in its render buttons area had the ‘internal renderer’ and Yafray choice… in the latest one 2.49, the internal-external choice is not there and the Yafray choice is altogetherly extinct… Is it because of Yafray’s change to Yafaray or am I missing something… And… where is the scripts folder? I am not finding it… It is not in program files where Blender installs by itself… There is only program files\blender foundation\blender and then no other subfolder… I wanted to insert, for example, the Luxrender script but I did not find where to put it…
I know those are tiring questions maybe but they are there… so I have to dare to ask them… Thanks beforehand with your showing patience… :o
the easiest way is to download the zip version instead of the installer version and unzip it. all the folders will be where they are suposed to be. then you can just click on the blender.exe and create a shortcut to you desktop
to find it on your computer is going to require you to have admin privilages which you probably do. open your control pannel. find “folder options” and double click on that. that should open a pop up with 3 tabs, general, view, and search. click on view. scroll down to hidden files and folder and click on "show hidden files and folders, make sure it is turned on then hit apply at the botton of the popup.
now go open my computer again, open drive c, click on users, open the main acount, open app data, then roaming, there you will find the blender foundation folders you are looking for. blender foundation, blender, .blender, scripts . not sure why they hide them.
I’ve been trying to resolve this problem to. I’ve tried your ideas but no luck. See my post
I hate to say this but I’m tempted to go back install the old version of Blender 2.44 or have both version installed. Use one for modelling and the other for importing/exporting and plugins. That seems a bit sloppy to me though.
p.s. To add to the story, I now have had some luck. see my post for the answer.
The only way I was able to make 2.49a work was to use the 32bit version and install using the Python 2.6.2 Windows installer instead of the Python 2.6.2 Windows AMD64 installer.
Not sure why this is happening as my 2.5.4 and 3.0.1 Python installations are the AMD64 versions which are having zero conflicts.
Also having an issue with the 2.49a 64 bit version not recognizing my Visual C++ 2008 SP1 redistributable. Will post back when I have time to find the solution to that problem.
Now… the latest Blender installed, the proper version of Python too installed, Lux is accesible from within Blender but… but this time there is no Yafaray access… :no: The old indication in Blender’s renderer button related to internal or Yafray choice is not there anymore… Even in render section on the upper bar does not appear any indication… Yafaray is installed of course… Any thoughts?..
The interfacing Yafray by function calls was removed because there is no one to maintain the code for the direct interface to this special external render for quite a while. This made it hard to tell which parts would be still working and what is broken.
Bjornmose I do understand the point you speak about but still there must be, I suspect, a way to export to Yafaray… After all from which app do the Yafaray rendered scenes are exported? The instruction I am looking for is how to make the two apps collaborate in their present condition… Yafaray is a very able renderer and it would be good for a Blender user to have it in his disposition, as a choice…
Don’t know if you’ve seen this thread about yafaray and blender, but this might help you out: Obviously this applies to Blender build with Python 2.5.2.
For some reason Blender 2.49a (build with P 2.6.2) doesn’t work with Yafaray. Don’t understand pythonian, so I cannot figure out why it doesn’t work.
But I reinstalled the previous version of Blender and Yafaray worked again.
HI i tried to download blender on my PC, I have windows XP, so i tried 32 and 64 bit downloads,
they both downloaded, but then i went to install it and it does everything but when it’s done downloading
it just closes and does nothing else. So i delete everything that says blender and tried again, about 12 times i know
it seems like a lot but i really want this program it took me all day to download it that many times but no matter how many
times i tried,:yes: it still did-int work so i tried to download another animation program and it wouldn’t work either. need some help on this one:eyebrowlift2: