Blender doesn't need to be legitimized.

You say that because you refuse to claim responsibility for your own statements. It seems to either have been “out of humor” or a fabrication by me. If i’m making it all up, then what did you actually say? What action did you propose?

Hard, cold, technically-subjective-but-my-opinion-is-better-than-yours facts.

What do you prefer? Teddy bears?

There is only enough money/dev time to do feature programming or eye candy. Ask Ton or Campbell Barton. The UI code in Bender is a nightmare, and would take a full time developer a long time to learn, which would mean either sacrificing Brecht for eye candy or hiring a new developer, for which there is no money anyway.

So, what would you rather have? Eye candy or volumetrics in Cycles? Eye candy or faster smoke? Eye candy or a better fluid sim? Eye candy or better physics?

I’m certain that everyone will say eye candy. That’s just how things are today.

And with this post, I’m done on the subject.

I doubt you are. Any time someone comes up with a reason why changing the UI would be valuable, I have a feeling you’ll pop back up and tell them that their opinions aren’t valuable because you’re a “pro” and how anything but the underworking code is “eye candy”. If it was actually a cost-benefit issue, you would be willing to judge the respective merits of each proposal, but you clearly aren’t, you’re having a religious argument.

I seem to have missed all this new development-wasting eyecandy danilius speaks of. Last time i checked Cycles got a new hair shader and sky model, modelling tools were improved, numerous bugs were fixed… Oh yeah, the UI for Lists was improved a bit - how dare they waste time on that!

Yeah, take a hint from endi and stick to 1 troll-post per thread. Otherwise you’d have to actually defend yourself.

I’m new to Blender and I not had any previous experience with other 3D software. I love Blender’s interface, how the areas can be splitted. The keyboard shortcuts and how fast you can access to functions from them. I will not be blind and say that the UI can not be improved. Always everything can be improved. But I think it unfair to say that the UI is broken.
So, Andrew showed some “cons” in the interface. Now I would like to know the other side, the “pros”. And that some old Blender user make a video showing all the good things about Blender’s UI in different scenarios and showing how the UI is not broken.

For example, the RMB does its job and it select objects. It’s not broken.
Here people who usually use a fork to bring food to their mouth should think chopsticks are broken…