Blender Doodles[updated-2008-1-16: face

Been doing some doodling in blender to take a break from coding the last two days.

From Yesterday, couple hours:

From today, one (two?) hours:


Nice. Like the both very much

Doodles no, nice modding.

just out of curiousity, are the holes for ears or because blender doesn’t have ngons?

ha, great models. i really like the elephant :]

Thanks for comments, heres ‘doodle’ for today…


lovin the doods…

keep it up man. im lovin it :]

You now have to pay McDonalds Trademark rights…

Briggs as I said before they look awesome!

I am really digging the latest one. Are you going to put these in zbrush and wow us!?

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:
cool picture

Hey Zarf absolutly love your “doodles” the faces are great and i like the elephant absolutly great !
Post more of you doodles :slight_smile:

Doodle for today:

Not quite sure what I was thinking with that one…


Very nice ‘doodles’. How do you model these so nicely enouph and fast enouph to call them doodles?

No doodle for yesterday because I had a paper to write for class and it was late. But heres todays ‘daily blender doodle’, “Angry Ben”

Ben is an alarm clock who is very good at his job, but his owner never wants to wake up in the morning. He just lets Ben ring and ring for hours before getting up. Poor ben…

I don’t know if calling them ‘doodles’ is appropriate or not. I am averaging about 2 hours modelling each of them so maybe there is a more appropriate term. However it’s important for me to call them something that will remind me to not take them too seriously, otherwise I wouldn’t do them :wink:

Thanks for looking!

Zarf - what you’re doing is more than doodling…I’d at the least call it ‘sketching’…though the term doesn’t really apply that well…maybe just label it ‘blendering’ and be done with it. I do this a lot (though no where to the level of complexity and completion that you’ve achieved), and every time I come away having done something that teaches me something…whether about modeling, lighting, or texturing, it always teaches me something. So in a way I guess it’s almost like doing a ‘study’ (i.e. character studies). Even the greats did this - just look at DaVinci…some of his ‘doodles’ and ‘sketches’ are today worth millions of dollars and spark the imagination of inventors and artists globally…So, don’t downplay the importance of what you’re doing man…not to yourself, nor to the community of Blender users at large.

Besides, I really like your blenderings, they have a definite sense of style and a strong character to them…a unique quality about them that drags them out of the field of ‘Yet another Face’ or ‘Sphere/Cube with interesting lighting’. Nice work, keep it up and you’ll go far.


Wow, these are awesome. Keep going!!

The alarm clock is awesome !! How have you done it ? First the Clock and then the Face out of it ? Did you work with shapes and bones or is it modeled like it is on the picture ?

Realy great models for that short amount of time.

Been too busy the last couple of weeks to do any doodles, but I couldn’t fight the itch anymore so I squeezed one in today…

Hopefully I will have time this week for some more.


ok… so that one was pretty freakin good man.

im lucky if i get something that good in a couple of days. You have talent, i would love to see stuff you actually work really hard on…i hate you. lol