Hello there,
I’ve been working on a game for a while now, and with the latest update, I plan to add a more versatile control scheme customisation. I’ve got the custom kb/m inputs sorted now, but controllers still prove to be problematic.
Now, it’s relatively trivial in Blender to get controller input, but for DS4 and Steam controllers, the bge.logic.joysticks function doesn’t work particularly well. With the DS4, it doesn’t detect the d-pad (through the DS4 dongle), but it’s fine with everything else. With the Steam controller, it just messes up completely unless I’m also running Steam to make it emulate an xbox controller.
Is there any fix for the DS4, or is the only option sorting out libusb with PyUSB manually to get raw input? On the bright side, if that’s the only option, I can always just access keyboards and mice separately, and even have split-screen with kb/m.
Any answers will be greatly appreciated, thanks