I started using Blender 2.8 but the edition viewport interface its to me confusing. I can’t distinguish the geometry properly. In Blender 2.49 the different sections of a geometry could be distinguished without problems, in 2.5 to 2.79 it was not so optimal but the parts could be differentiated. Now in 2.8 I do not understand the appearance of my geometry. How can I set the editing parameters of 2.49 in 2.8?
Do you have a visual example?
SonicBlue Thanks for the answer. This is what i mean.
In the first Image Blender 2.49 you can see all the mesh perfectly, in the second one Blender 2.79 is no so good like Blender 2.49 but still you can see the mesh. But in Blender 2.80 you can´t distinguish the mesh like the others versions. i want to set the viewport like 2.49. how can i do it? Please.
You can try these settings to see if it’s what you were looking for, the X-Ray transparency is not that good as it uses dithering.
Thanks for that answer, i would try it. But still missing how Blender 2.49 display the mesh information. To me is the best in all the time.
SonicBlue, i tried your tip, but i do not know why i cant change the viewport color, i select the object, the object is in edit mode, go to object properties (the orange box tool), go to viewport display, change the color like you do, and nothing. And like you, im in solid shading.
Ok My Fault… it was in material instead the Object option. thanks for the tip.
But really still missing how Blender 2.49 display the Mesh in edit mode.
It looks similar, I don’t think you can have that same visualization in 2.80 , have you tried lightening the viewport background?
SonicBlue, thanks to you, and your first tip. I can get deep in to Blenders properties, and can be abble to traspassing the 3D Settings of Blender 2.49 to Blender 2.8.
.So i can be abble to work, with my lovely Blender 2.49 configuration now in Blender 2.8
If you like it, i Left the Theme, works with 2.5x 2.7x 2.8x
blender_2-49_viewport_theme.xml (42.2 KB)
And the Startup File Only for Blender 2.8 Doesnt work with other versions
2.80startup.blend (572.3 KB)
And the Startup File for Blender 2.5x to 2.7x
2.79startup.blend (410.6 KB)
You Open the Startup File like other Blender file and save it like startup file.
So Enjoy it. And Thanks