Blender Eevee render crashes

Some things to consider, for RAM/VRAM optimization. 1) If you use separate grayscale textures for things like masks or specularity, Blender doesnt deal with them very efficiently. Each such texture will be allocated an amount of memory equal to full 24 bit color, even if it was 8 bit by itself. If you can, pack grayscale maps into alphas of color textures, or even put several different masks into RGB channel of same texture. 2)Try to use texture atlases or trim sheets instead of multiple materials. More materials - more draw calls. 3)Consider animating in Solid mode if you do not do it already. Even if Eevee is “realtime” nominally, Blender editor itself is bottleneck. Some combinations of modifiers and shaders give extra slowdown in Eevee, for example tangent based normal mapping on characters with Armature. Eevee’s performance has many landmines to navigate, even with perfect optimization.
Advice 1 and 2 is lot of manual work, but will pay off if you are doing animations