Blender Export Files

I am trying to export files to different programs - obj, 3Ds, etc. - so that I can upload some of my models for sale.

However, I have NO textures on any of my exports.

I have packed my files - pack into .blend files - and then zipped these files.

However, converting them BACK to blender has the message “no packed images”.

Similarly I’ve found that for the OBJ files it splits .obj and .mtl into 2 separate zips - how to make one file? Just merge?


Try unpacking the textures before exporting. The unpack option in the File / Externa Data can save all the packed textures to a textures directory in the same location as the blend file and the .obj file. The mtl file should then be able to point to those textures.

Similarly I’ve found that for the OBJ files it splits .obj and .mtl into 2 separate zips - how to make one file? Just merge?
Check your obj export settings. What zips ? Post a link to an example blend file that does this.

I am using the standard obj, nothing changed as this is the first time trying to export, export opinions selected:
apply modifiers
include edges
include UVs
write materials
objects as OBJ objects

As for attaching file, don’t know how.

You can upload file to

So when you do as I say does it work ? Open the mtl file, are the file paths correct for your textures ?

Note, you should be using blender render materials, noy cycles or other node materials

Oh dang. So it works only for internal engine?

What about for other exports - 3ds for example. Does that also have to be internal engine?

Cause if that’s the case, then that’s the issue. My stuff is cycles.

Cycles materials only work with the cycles renderer so for anyone to see what you see you would have to use blender, so why export as another format.

If you want to export materials in a more universal format with you should export from blender renderer. Even then not all material settinsg are universal across all applications so wht you see in blender is not exactly what you’ll see in other renderers.