Blender Fluid (yes, another one)

I had great fun making this animation. I’m really happy with the material I made for the water. I didn’t use any motion blur on it, but I’m still trying to get used to the compositor nodes and stuff. Modelled and rendered with Blender. Edited with EditStudio 4.

I’ve included a sample from frame 208 :smiley:

C&C’s welcomed, as always.


the material is really excellent!
did you use him/it what for moving the crank, armature or same rot? And that resolution in the domain?You should increase her.

The crank is just rotating on it’s axis. The domain resolution is 100. When I have time, I’ll try higher resolution and vector blur. Thanks for the comment :slight_smile:

What exactly was involved in creating that? I haven’t even started using Blender yet (waiting for my new video card to arrive), but I’d like to know how complicated something that can be. Or simple? :stuck_out_tongue:

The fluid seemed to fall rather slowly, even at double speed.

cypher, the power of your computer is the limit. (mostly the RAM.) It can be very simple, or very complex.

cypher543, if you meant how hard it was to create such an effect, check this link :wink:

dodgydaved, great animation, although the water moves a bit too slow indeed…

Strangely enough, that was the exact reason I went and revisited blender fluids!!

I am currently re-doing the animation, making it longer and higher resolution. And I might try the vector blur with nodes.

i really like the water material what settings did you use?

The only settings I altered from the default material to get the nice water were:

Colour: R 0.84, G 0.91, B 0.977

Alpha 0.489

Spec 0.9
Hardness 50
Trashad ON (remembering to turn trashad on for other materials too)

Raymirror 0.11

RayTransp ON
IOR 1.17
Fresnel 2

And for all the people who are about to tell me water isn’t blue. It is. You just can’t see that it’s blue unless you have lots of it. And not because it reflects the sky. If it was in a big white bath tub in a big white room with a big white light, it would still be slightly blue. I hope that clears that up :wink:

sometimes it’s green

green-ish. And mine is. :stuck_out_tongue:

The IOR of water is 1.33, not 1.17.

Thank you for that info. I shall change my material accordingly :slight_smile:

It looks quite cool. I’ve attached three frames from the upcoming 500 frame animation. Only the first one, which is frame 59, has the correct IOR setting of 1.33 (thanks LOTR). My PC is currently rendering the full animation. I can’t wait to see the end result (probably by friday :wink: )


Sometimes… water is brown. :smiley:

Seriously, though… very nice animation. Certainly realistic enough. :wink:

holy, thats an awesome water material I think :slight_smile:
very good JOB!

Well, it’s finished. Higher resolution. Correct IOR (1.33). Vector blur. 500 frames instead of 250.

Here’s the link:
(Have a look at my other videos if you’ve nothing better to do ;))


very nice sim there!

I noticed something at
around 21 seconds, the water has bubbles!
or at lest gaps in the water itself that close up soon after they appear.

I only mention it because I’ve seen several threads seraching for a solution to get bubbles into a blender fluid sim.

Its looking cool but it feels wrong for water, sorry!
I know it’s hard to create something like that.

You should make it more ‘fluid’, right now it has the feeling of something between honey and water.