Blender For design clothes

The Idea of this program is to make it that you can design clothes in Blender The program will be free and open to the community. Below you will find the list of top 10 things this program will need to be a fully function program. if you can help us with the programing then email me at <i>[email protected]</i> . As of today 12/02/13 I have not started on making this program. Thanks

  1. They need to be able to Export your Clothes to a printable design.
  2. They need to be able to send your design to a print shop of their choice.
  3. The program need to start off with a male or female model to work on.
  4. The Interface of the program needs to be clean and easy to use.
  5. They need to be able to test your design, to make sure that your person can move freely in the design.
  6. You need to be able to change the size of the model.
  7. The program needs to show an animation of the model walking.
  8. They need to be able to start the program from the desktop.
  9. The users need to be able to change the fabric.
  10. They need to be able to make a pattern and then be able to apply that design to the fabric.

have you had a look at this patch for blender?

Yours is a very ambitious project, no doubt, in practice a new Marvelous Designer.
The patch posted above would only be a start, but to get what you aim to, the cloth simulation in Blender is still far away, and it would need a great optimization.
Needless to say, if you or others could succeed in your intent, blender as a whole could benefit.

Good work!
