Blender for GIS / Mapping Help - Blender GIS add on not working

Can one enter the lat and long of a point on the earth then get a certain sized area around that point say 0.5km for example. If so how does one do that?

Ok hold off on answering this question. I found the old 2.79 wiki pages. I am going to read through them. At first glance at that outline of the wiki pages it seems like there is a section on setting the lat and long to use. I will let you know after I have thoroughly read through the wiki.

Ok I spoke too soon. What is the way of entering exact lat and long of an object say the London Eye or the Empire State Building or Effel Tower and getting the area say .5km around it? And if there is a way would you mind explaining it for the 2.79 version as that is what I use.

It seems that all highways imports as split edges, but grouped into vertex groups. I tried to merge each road together using that information, but the result of the script I made merges all vertices instead and I can’t figure out why:

import bpy

obj = bpy.context.object

bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)

for group in obj.vertex_groups:
    bpy.ops.mesh.select_all( action = 'DESELECT' )
    bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_set_active( group=str( )
    #verts = [ v for v in if ]
    bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles( threshold=0.1, use_unselected=False )

bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)

EDIT: The author kindly updated the plugin to already have individual roads merged now! :star_struck:

Hi, In of the example animations on the Blender GIS github page a custom texture is used instead of the sattelite image. I’ve recently learned about Mapbox, how would I go about to use a custom styled map texture created there onto the Blende GIS mesh (similar to the example animation I described above)

Has anyone found a decent way to make the roadway smore apparent? It seems to import them as a bunch of vertex groups (which seems handy, as they’re all named), but I can’t seem to add a skin modifier to make them ‘thicker’ than just an edge?

Is it just my inability (newbieish here) to work with lots and lots of vertex groups, or am I using the wrong modifier to hilight roads?


Any help would be appreciated.


is it possible to dissociate size map and zoom please ?
If I zoom at 20 for example and want a larger area, I can’t. Did I miss anything ?

EDIT : Ok, I found, you have to press “L” to lock the view and increase the zoom.

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I know these keystroke commands for Blender GIS:

  • hold middle mouse to pan
  • scroll mouse wheel to zoom *and change the resolution-tiling from source
  • ‘B’ to select area to zoom to box
  • ‘G’ to search a location
  • [spacebar] to switch layer, for example aerial to map or Google to Bing
  • ‘L’ to lock the view, while still enabling zooming to receive higher resolution tiles
  • ‘CTRL’ and scroll to zoom without loading new tiles (to view detail)
  • ‘E’ to export the current view to a new plane in Blender
  • [Esc] to exit (all other Blender commands and menus inoperable during data import)

Other useful notes:

  • Turn off Grid!! so dense it covers image
  • Mercator distortion
  • Heights are accurate at dispacement strength=1, if you look at the height map the RGB values are elevations. Displacement modifier’s strength=2 for example doubles the heights. (RGB value differences above 256 are not visible, all white, click and hold the right mouse button over image, using Blender’s image editor)
  • Lately in order for the height dispacement map to work you need to register with and download a personalized API-key for access. View this

Until recently the maximum available resolution of height maps or Digital Elevation Models (DEM), from was 1 arc-second, about 30m (hence the menu option name - there is also coarser 90m for large area modeling)

Recently however has made 1/3 arc resolution, about 10m tiling, available for USA.
Don’t know how to set this up, but it must be rather simple.

Hello, is this topic still active. Is there a way to get those topographic and images in tile so we can stich it later to get a better detail of topo and satellite images.