Blender from Tuhopuu

Could somebody tell me, where can I find compiled (for linux) Tuhopuu’s Blender version %|

yes I can… move your cursor up… right under the elysiun logo you’ll find a search button. press on it. then search for “tuhopuu compiled”.

the 3. result is what you need.

Thank’s :slight_smile: but there is link only to windows version :frowning: . Do you know where I can find binaries for linux. I’m new to linux and compilation from sources may be too hard for me. :frowning:

It’s not that hard. I had no clue how to do it, but searching binaries for a specific distribution sucks.
Asking on helps…
Most time it’s about installing stuff blender needs. Then sometimes you have to edit some makefiles to give the right path.
Give it a try, theres nothing cooler than a fresh tuhopuu from the cvs to see all the new features to come (That goes for other software as well, eg Gimp (1.3.20 at the moment). And i have the impression that it runs better/faster if you compile it for your machine.
Also search for compiling for your distribution.


compiling is easy. there are several tutorials… even in the readme’s. just try and help yourself by reading the stuff :). goto -> projects -> tuhopuu2 -> cvs. get the cvs tree (as shown there) and read the readme.txt.

I compile tuhopuu all the time.
so, if you can run my binaries, you are welcome.

they are compiled in rh8, glibc2.3.2.


Thank’s Basse! :smiley: