Blender Game Contest 2003. The contest official start has began. You can still join the contest.
Contest theme: Christmas.
Yeah a new Blender Game Contest has started. Because the last game contest of blendergames was a succes, I start a contest again.
For more Contest information, like theme, rules, visit:
You want to join the Game Contest 2003?, down here how to join.
Read first the about page, to read what the contest is about.
Then click on contact, and choose singel developement if you want to join in your own, and choose team developement, if you are with a team.
E-mail your name, e-mail and some text.
Send to join.
And now?
I’ll read the e-mails every day, and subscribe you for the contest and reply with the words, that you joined the contest. I’ll also send some information, like deadline and vote date. I’ll also send ofthen some news or information.
The Prize?
Yeah, this game contest does also have a prize. If you win the contest, you may choose one product from the e-shop: , and the shipping will also be payed by Ton himself. If you are in a team, you have to choose one person, and he’ll receive the prize, because the contest has got only 1 prize.
If you know Blender and it’s game engine, join the contest. “Or are you chicken?”
The time seems fine to me, that way it would give people a chance to form a team or ideas, then give them a month to complete it. A christmas theme sounds good too.
If I can find a couple of guys to help me then I’m definatly in
Blender_owl: Where are you planning to host the contest? If you have not thought of a place yet, please consider
I was thinking, I could host the page for the contest on my website, and the hosting of the final games on with the downloadpage if everyone has finished there games (I’ll contact gameblender about it)
In these day I’ll try to get a page for the contest online with some information, like:
Homepage, about the contest.
Joined people, teams or single ones. (incl, websites, and info)
Download page, (on gameblender, afther the contest the hosted games)
Resource and tutorial page, if you need some things to know.
I also wrote down some info progress on which date what to do:
23 October around 21:00 Contest fall 2003? topic posting on
From now until 28 October, forming teams, posting ideas
Around 25 October More info about the contest, theme and rules. (info soon)
28 October, Final team forming, and subscribe for the contest. (info soon)
1 November, starting contest, topic post about the contest. (info soon)
I only have few things to say: First I’ve got a little problem, I live in the Netherlands, the problems is the timeline between USA and Europe, so notice that all dates and times, are Europian.
And shall we post the contest topic on elysiun, or has gameblender his own forum?, then we can post it there. So give your comments.
-wierd`s game to???.
I am making a game when you have to think to understand the history.(1.persone game)
(And I think not all ow the people playing it will understand )
The contest itself don’t have categories, but the game voting will have. So if someone finished his of there game, there will be voted for each catergorie of the game, but the categories are unknow and will be published around 25 october. But expect that there will be categories like, sound, character, textures, and such things.
NOR.J: -wierd`s game to???.
Ofcource, it totally depends on it’s developer. Just try to make an new type of game.
I would enter but I doubt project “Funky Island” will be finished by then. We have a little crew shortage here at PiXelcrusers. (The whole team consists of two guys )
I missed the last contest due to loads of work but this time i’m going to get something done. Given the results that came out of the last contest, this is the kind of event the community needs.
Yeah !!! finally another contest !!! i don’t think many people recognize the great games that where made at the last one. a contest can really help getting those creative minds out of their long deep slumber. anyways, i’m in and offering concepts, graphics and special effects to anyone who likes to team up (prephrebly a programmer but the more the marier).
only 2 things come to mind :
i don’t celebrate cristmas - what the hell is a xmas game ? does it have to involve santa, some deers and good deeds ?
whats the prize ? cept for the fun of making games … what is the GRAND PRIZE ?! i for one offer to collect a fee from all those who enter and take the total earnings to buy a prize. if last time we had 7 games competing, each will pay… hmmm say 5$ ? (a team can easly sp;it the fee) we can make about 50$ which can buy some nice prizes (hopfully more). or maybe, since this is a community effort, can the prize be payed for by the BF ? a priza is always good… we want’s it. it’s mine !!!.. filthy little blenders, they took it away from us…
I don’t know what the prize will be. I think we can just do it for fun, maybe a little prize, I don’t know what. Maybe I can ask or GameBlender for giving away a prize for the best game. But I think not many people wil pay for a contest, and afther that give it to the winner. I think that will be the last idea to do. But reply your idea. 8)
I think the prize is not important, hmm… Paying 5$ would be like a enterance
fee so it would scare away a lot of people…
And It would be good if any team could enter the contest at anytime…
-Don’t change the theme, cuz it is a very good theme…
I will certainly join the contest, but maybe I need some help
so it would be nice if I could enter the contest at anytime cuz maybe
I will screw up the game and can’t post the game…
Blender_owl: I dont think their should be a prize, we should do it for fun.
Indeed, I think we should just do it for the fun, but maybe I can ask Ton about something for the winner, no real prize, but something cool, I’ll hope it’s possible. I keep it just secret, and post if it’s possible or not, but I don’t say what, because then it isn’t secret anymore.
bah, hah, anyone can say that but it isnt true, at all… not only does a prize for the winner attract a huge handfool of more people, but it also makes everyone work ALOT harder on their entry… it also prevents people from quitting as easily because there is inspiration in a nice prize waiting for them… the feeling of a true contest also adds more inspiration and drive to keep blending and keep blending hard…
i do feel a need for a prize, else this contest might slip into the background in number of attendants, and number of quality entries.
the need is obvious, logical, and defendable
like a gamekit for a prize… i heard the kit is really damn good, and its only 40$ i think? or maybe a shirt from the e-shop, even cheaper, but its something… for the love of cripes, it needs something