Blender Game Engine as VJ tool

I am a musician and I am very interested in VJ’ing- graphic art- 3D art ect… I have been looking around for a good 3D VJ app for the Mac for a long time- but there is very little out there- and the ones that are out there are PC only- and the 3D graphics are not that crash hot anyway. I was wondering if the Blender Game Engine could be used as a VJ tool- and if so would it be possible to write a “game” that allowed multiscreen outputs and content creation?

I have very little knowledge of coding- however I do have an understanding of the logic involved. And I feel that if there was a VJ application such as this it would take off very quickly- as it would be possible to acomplish ANYTHING with it. And since it was built with Blender- then it would be very easy to use models and python scripts within the VJ environment- thus opening up a vast amount of graphic art possibilities. Also if the VJ environment was modular enough- one could use it as a sort of MAX/MSP/Jitter substitute- one that was fully 3D- free- and most probably “visually” much more advanced.

This is just an idea- for anyone out there that posseses the ability to make this happen- or to point me in the right development direction- or if there is already a piece of software out there.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

First of all welcome! And as I am no programmer, I have no clue, maybe Social or some other python “Ninja” knows… Happy blendering XD

I sometimes use BLENDER spread over two monitors, i already tried it successfully with three. Your graphics card driver provides this functionality. It works with any program and even 3D-accelerated if properly setup. I think the limit without specialised hardware is up to eight or nine monitors. But you run out of PCI-slots before. There is , however, OPEN SOURCE tools out there which can distribute content over a cluster of Pc’s for displaying it on a multiscreen wall. Sorry, i don’t remember the name but they used it for virtual reality stuff.

Concerning video content creation i have heard that BLENDERS new node system really comes in handy. Here is a (german) tutorial of how to use it. Even if you don’t read german you will see the use of the node system.

EDIT: I haven’t tried and the link is not working anymore, but there is a derivate called BlenderVJ out there, just to let you know. I could imagine that this might already be outdated.

I already used blender with dualscreen setup, but it’s not “that” easy to build a descent scene letting you manage your content (you’ll have to construct your interface as well as the content… as all has to be accessible when the game engine is running in your output screen…)
gives the interresting threads :

and you’ll find also this :

If you find a way to gather all thoses pieces working in your mac, it should makes you happy… but for now it seems that the video texture is limited to window$ . I would hope that someone one day could port Ashsid’s video texture script to linux and macOSX …