Blender game engine back in blender again.

Heay, i’ve got good news from the forum, they blender heads who didn’t hear the news, Blender game engine will be integrated in blender again, around july 6th 2003. … :o yeah, nice summerholiday present, whoo we’ve to celebrate it. :smiley:

Are they gonna put it into 2.27?

NO, they are waiting for the source code to become available, that won’t happen til this summer.

Well, better late than never :wink:

:x I miss the game engine 8) but it’s being improved…

I also mis the game engine, and still use 2.25, I’ll hope when the engine is integrated in blender again, they fixed some bugs, and add some cool things, I really can’t wait to see the release of that blender. :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: That’s excellent news!!! :smiley:

You call that soon?!?!? LOL im just impatient! :smiley:

I hope its a good release, not full of bugs and stuff.

Oh yeah, last chance to download my Bah_CamBug script before it becomes obsolete!! :slight_smile:

Keith. 8)


(You’ll have to imagine the cheering Martians. My server doesn’t allow hotlinking.)

What new features will it have? Joystick support?

before they add new features they have to get it working

don’t expect much until august

(and then be apprecitative if something comes out sooner)

If my dad and I are successful, we should have some form of culling or another ready to go as soon as the physics/collision is put back in. So sometime in july:)

Cool, Blender 2.27 is released, still without the engine, but soon there will be and engine in it :smiley: (2,28 I think)

hey saluk, that sounds interesting :slight_smile:

are you able to share any more info, like what method etc, and which source files your messing with?


great news! i hope the physics engine finds its way into the “normal” blender too, for animation purposes. ive been waiting for this for years…

KX_Scene.cpp/.h in gameengine/ketsji is the main one

We are starting out with frustrum culling, then moving on to quadtrees/octrees then bsps and portals. Are goal is to combine multiple culling methods within one scene, and provide an easy interface to define culling regions.

But we’re starting with the simple stuff and seeing how far we can go.

thanks for the pointers, thats sounding cool :smiley:

my code monkey friend and i have been looking at octrees, but it’ll be great if you guys get several methods working, i look forward to the result 8)


Forgive my ignorance but do you mean culling like in ‘backface culling’ or something else I don’t know yet ?

Nope, these methods of culling I speak of are about not displaying objects that are not in the cameras view. Some of them also help to cull (or “not display”) objects that are covered up by other objects. Backface culling is something we may think about later, as it’s not too difficult, but these “potential visibility” methods have a better speedup I think.

The downsides are that most of them require the level to be precompiled, so it will add a stage before you can play where you haev to “render” the level.

Thanks for the clear explanation.

Speeding up games in Blender really can’t hurt.

Hey, that would be excellent saluk! :smiley:
And besides… we can always have two “game rendering modes”…
The normal blender rendering (to be used as a fast game preview mode)
and the culling mode… :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s possible, right? %|