Blender game engine test

I just did a small test with the newest test build of blender. I also tried baking the simulation to ipos.

I like the music, it’s okay for a test I guess.

What you need to do is go into the NLA and scale up everything, blender’s game engine always bakes slowly, for some odd reason. Possibly because it’s playing at so many frames per second and blender plays at movie speed, i.e. 25 frames a second.

I like it lots!
Good job.
And I like the music too :wink:

Thats funny, and it reminds me abit on the movie Robots!
There is also a scene with alot of dominos.:smiley: a bit more at least.:smiley:
But this is good.

Very nice…I love Beatle’s sound too…

Can you speed it up, please? Use the NLA editor to make the animation quicker.