Blender Game Logic Nodes (UPBGE-Compatible)

Hello, Iza_Zed.
When we use apply force the engine uses character physics? Could you add a Jump Node? and a node to control Jump?

I mean, the logic nodes, have the Motion actuator, and in character motion, you have the option Jump. that solves a lot of problems because we set jump fprce, and amount of jumps in the physics tab.
So maybe 2 nodes. One would be: Jump Control (1 condition) [change amount of jumps, adjust jump force (0 output)
The other: Jump Order (1 condition) (0 output)

Maybe a third node that returns information about character physics, including jump force and max amount of jumps, max fall speed, and visibility.

Thanks for keeping the Node system avaiable!

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Yeah, I had a quick look at it and think I’m able to do that :+1:

For this I’ll need to change the approach though, I’ll need to automatically add Actuators to the object and link them to the node (this approach makes playing sounds easier too), but the downside is that there will be unlinked actuators on the object, so the built-in logic brick system might get chaotic… :thinking:
When doing this, I could convert every Actuator into a Node, effectively making manually visiting the logic brick view unnecessary

I’ll see if I can find a way around this, but the way above should definitely work

I think all 3 Nodes would make the most sense together, thanks for the input :smiley:

EDIT: Found a way around it :+1: nodes will be nodes and bricks will be bricks

Alright, got all writable and readable values in there :call_me_hand:
check git releases

Great, I’ll check them right now!

Thanks Iza_Zed! It’s really cool that we can make games intuatively in Eevee thanks to your work. I kind of hope that Armory is able to benefit off your good work! Either that or we get a way to make games in Eevee that aren’t GPL. It’s nice to own the rights to your games/art :wink:


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Thank you, this is really motivating :smiley:

Sadly lubos won’t be able to benefit off this addon since Armory3D is scripted using Haxe, which is also used by his internal Node system - I instead learned from him by looking through his code and reusing UI solutions and translating logic he already implemented :slight_smile:

Disclaimer: This is my understanding so far
As for the GPL problem, I’m still not sure if I’m on the right track on this, but you gotta be careful there:
The Blender Player, which is needed to fire up your game, must be licenced as GPL, same goes for every script containing an import of any of the Blender modules (bge, bpy and so on), but there’s ways around this (starting via .bat file for example).
Indeed the use of my Add-On should allow for your logic to not be GPL’d because the generated code does not explicitly use any of the Blender Modules or its api :thinking:


Just a note, new builds for alpha upbge 0.3 from 28-December and on have the Logic Nodes Addon included (!t9EEFSaS!JPiOPSInCZyU-SW_-rhEOQ).


Oh man, this changes everything. If that’s true, then that instantly improves upon xmas.


OK Doc. or .bat :joy: , can’t wait for documentation, i mean how do we use this ? oh and thanks a lot and a happy new year :wink:

i receive no Christmas presents this year … but well, i have one now :hugs:

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wow this is so cool, its finaly there , i always dreamed about logic nodes like this. this is best christmas present i ever got i think. i tested it and found many bugs like it seems the nodes overide itself and multiply or doesnt work, or i dont understand it still, for logic nodes my biggest wish is that this will be continued and made without some bugs and then.

i have proposal i, if yould make premade logic nodes groups so simulate logic bricks because i have bad brain and is ver hard to understand, so with premade nodes like logic bricks funktion could super good learn :slight_smile:

thanks much for all UPBGE and blender developers you are my true heroes :slight_smile: :heartpulse:

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Thank you VERY much :smiley: It’s so great to see people actually using this!

There are a few bugs in there that I know, biggest ones would be:

  • Rerouting does not work as intended
  • Sound Nodes don’t work (I’m on that though)
  • Applied Trees remove themselves when no other action is performed before hitting “P”
  • Grouping does not work (may never)
  • Some Sockets have various problems

If you could leave an Issue over on GitHub for every Bug you encounter, that would really help pinpoint the problems with the addon and speed up the work :slight_smile:

mmh … interesting case :face_with_monocle:

@Iza_Zed , do you make them in python or do they work like bricks ?

it’s basically 2 .py files

The first defines the nodes themselfves, which sockets they have and so on

the second is the bge calculation using the values from the node sockets

So the Nodes use python and the bge module, that’s where i’m unsure about GPL

import goes like this: imports bge_netlogic imports bge

I plan on separating the nodes from one big file into several smaller files, similar to how lubos organized his nodes

isnt all blender source code gpl? so any reference to bge or bpy puts you in gpl.

all youre basically doing is automatically attaching scripts to things, and the licensing works as such.

as for how that interacts art assets in the blend, i would imagine its no different than packing into an exe. the exe is gpl and all source of it needs to be made available.

this is just me guessing based on what ive heard, and could be totally wrong.

that’s the way I understood it as well :thinking:
I was just unsure because the generated code does not EXPLICITLY import the bge module or use its API.

The Addon itself and the code contained in it is GPL’d anyway, but that should not be any more show-blocking than the Blender Player

So if you were to publish your game on steam (which is possible) and have one big script with a bge import in it that is GPL’d anyway because it’s an Add-On, Steam itself might not get put off by that one file using the import.
Note: I looked through the files of Tomato Jones, a BGE game published on Steam, and in there I found several files importing the bge module :man_shrugging:

And as I said, the Blender Player can be worked around by starting your game via .bat file, that’s how Tomato Jones did it, but there might just be more to it.

Explicit import or not, scripts that depend on a gpl module inherit gpl. That’s my understanding.

However this applies to just those scripts, not the game itself. In order to comply with the license you cannot obfuscate the code within the py files that rely on bge or bpy. And to dance around the blenderplayer issue, make a launcher and you’re golden.

Blender and blenderplayer gpl.
Addon is possibly gpl.
Blend file with logic nodes (without any script) is not gpl as is blender output.
Similar to logic bricks as blend files with logic bricks are not gpl either.

i don’t know why you did this but this wasn’t a good idea. i can’t seem to find a way to set an object’s position to that of another’s. change it back.

local position to another object should be 0,0,0 I think