Blender Game Making Challenge 8

ooooo its time for another one, great!!! I’ve been working abroad the last 2 months, so I’ve not had much time to work on blender projects, but this might be a nice way to ease myself back into it. Hopefully I will be able to enter, depending on how busy next week is.

Josip, have you been running these since day 1? You do a great job with these mate, keep them flowing!!!

Nice to see you again, I hope you can join us, good luck. Can we expect another video after the challenge :slight_smile: ?

The challenge started in August of 2011 when I challenged my friend Bagylender (on the forum here) to make a game in 48 hours.
It became a weekend challenge and this is the second one to be 7 days long. I should also mention that there was no BGMC in 2012 because I was working in Poland for the bigger part of the year. I like these challenges because it brings developers together and we learn from each other trough games not just words.

I would like to take the challenge further:
-add rewards for winners
-make an universal launcher so people who don’t use Blender can play the games
-define dates for challenges and make a calendar so people know when to expect them
-make a real website
-get a webhost and host all the games (download links get broken every day for older games right now)
-make video reviews of games

the list is long, and I currently don’t have time or money for them but I hope to improve slowly.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I’m waiting for a response from the BF but rewards for winners might start from this or the next challenge.

I’m in :slight_smile:

Good luck and have fun all!

Not this time, but could we all work together on something?


I know competition is great and all …

So about a web site for the game Developments, could we use sourceforge somehow?
Project BGE GMC 8 - branches - Game ?

The launcher will have to wait a little bit until we establish stricter rules about versions of Blender and Python, filenames, file sizes and stuff.
I sent and invitation to BlenderNation ~1.5 days ago but they didn’t post anything, probably because of my mistakes, I am not great when it comes to english.

I think your english is very good josip, I have never not been able to understand what you’re saying,

Is there an issue with exporting the game to the runtime standalone? Then there would be no confusion about the versions of blender that need to be used. If file size is an issue, then you still have to download a new version of blender to get it running, which is about the same as exporting a game to standalone? Plus one of my mates (who is not involved in blender what so ever, but loves games) had real trouble getting any of the games running, which was a real shame.

Is there a easy way to publish to a browser based format?

Well there’s burster, but I’m not sure that it supports everything and I’m also not sure if it keeps up with the ‘bleeding edge’ version of blender. Might be something to look into, but I think there might some blender version problems with it (developers using newer versions than supported by burster). Maybe I’m wrong though.

Are there any suggestions for new rules or changes of old rules ?

I think that a “off week game” that we all try and crank out when we have the time would be neat, winner specifies topic and style? like they are the director? (this is a prize in my book :slight_smile: )

My thoughts:
-It will be much appreciated if 2.65a is allowed. 2.66 does weird stuff with some shaders, and 2.65a was the last glibc2.7 build.
-Hoping teams will be allowed. If so, I will be very clear about the people involved so voters can take that into consideration.
-Exporting the game is great for increasing availability. Definitely should be an option in addition to uploading .blend files.

What is the theme of the game that we are going to make ?

Officially it wont be April 15th for another ~8 minutes, but here it is anyway!


@pqftgs : Thanks ! :slight_smile: i have already started making one. .my first game that i think will complete it before the deadline.

Why not do runtimes?

Soooo have we started?

EDIT: I would like to join, hah. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT 2: Also, is there a specific Blender version we should use?

We have a theme, that means the challenge has started and we have 7 days to make a game with the theme Insects (love it)
Good luck SolarLune and everyone else !

Don’t worry about runtimes yet, I will define some rules about that before the end of the challenge (most likely everyone will have to export a runtime so people can play it without Blender)

I suggest the latest official version, but I guess you can use any version you want.

@Josip Kladaric : Ok ! :slight_smile:

can as a team develop a game for this competition ?