blender games web access

How do I make it so that people can play the games that I make through my website.

Put your .blend at the same place as your html, then add this code in your html code

<object classid="clsid:5DB05CB8-7751-469D-A1DD-45C8C201C013 "
		id="BlenderPlayer" width="490" height="390">
			<param name="blenderURL" value="your.blend" />
			<embed type="application/x-blender-plugin" 
			PLUGINSPAGE=""; name="NPBlender" 
			width="640" height="480" src="your.blend">

…and edit the ‘your.blend’ to the name of your .blend. Change also the ratio of the screen by changing the with and hight.

easy :smiley:

Alright thanks