is it possible to design games on blender that would work on console such as ps2 and xbox
if anyone knows how could it be done
could you share with the rest of us
is it possible to design games on blender that would work on console such as ps2 and xbox
if anyone knows how could it be done
could you share with the rest of us
Theres a script for GE that can export to PS3. I knew someone who did that just to test. Although what he did was rip a PS3 game and steal data off of the game to rewright the format for PS3. It was illegel but he was just trying to test it.
Here’s a great place to get started:
Learn and enjoy!
is there a way to do it legally to make it work on a ps2
Nope… Besides, why would you want to? The PS2 is 7 years old technology…
Lol, what he said nope. You have to do it illegely. It’s fine to do it illegely as long as you don’t distribute the game. At least I would lol.
asdasdasd asd adfda
if you know how to do on a ps2 could you tell me how
the reason i want to able to play on a ps2 is that i perfer playing on my ps2 instead of the pc
and i don’t think you could design games on wikki with blender
If you really want a PS2 Controller just get a PS2 to USB converted although you need python to configure the controller.
It’s not a direct way but legal though. There is a (legal) Linux for PS3 (google for “PS3 Linux”) and since Blender is able to run in Linux it must run on PS3 too.
There’s even a video about it on YouTube
He said ps2…
oooops! :o
there’s a linux for PS2 too, but you need to buy it with the hard-drive, usb-mouse and usb-keyboard.
Yea but I think he means burning it on a disc and playing it with the controller
Yes there is. You have to buy the PS2 SDK that professionals use and a PS2 with a modchip installed so you can run CD-R’s.
Whats A Ps2 Sdk
Whats A Ps2 Sdk
LOL… Give it up, #hush#. You evidently don’t have the skills and it’s pretty obvious you’re just a game kiddie… Learn to code…:eyebrowlift2:
you could have told me in the time it took you to send this reply
Originally Posted by #hush#
Whats A Ps2 Sdk
You could have searched for it yourself in the time that you were typing your question = )
We don’t like spoon-feeding information to newcomers here.
#hush# you seem a little new, why not try to make some games b4 you worry about coding them to ps2 format. Start small and gratually work up bigger.