I was wondering if i could make my game online, you know like:
People downloads the game and then they are connected to the network.
If u know how to do it, please, say it…
Thanks anyway! :RocknRoll:
I was wondering if i could make my game online, you know like:
People downloads the game and then they are connected to the network.
If u know how to do it, please, say it…
Thanks anyway! :RocknRoll:
I think it takes a few books to answer your question. First succeed in making offline games.
Something that might be a good start would be Burster (http://geta3d.com/), it’s a webplayer for Blender GE, but not for large files, unless you link somehow to other files on people’s computer that they could download, like the sound and textures (no Python scripts etc. because of safety reasons and so on…). Burster support Blender 2.49, not the 2.5x versions yet but it will in a few months when there is a stable version of Blender 2.5. You can also make the game fullscreen in Burster.
I hope that is of any help to you.
Search for multiplayer
there are some working projects e.g. WSAG and BZoo
i recommend WSAG. The tutorial is a no go area in my opinion, due to many typo’s and such, so check the basic network example
Okay i tried to use the Tutorials but i cant find out how to use it, can one of u please help me?
I have the impression, you do not have that much experience with game development at least with the BGE.
Networking is quite a complex topic and for the BGE requires some python programming skills. If you can’t work with the mentioned tutorials, you might start building some easier games, until you feel ready to add networking.
This is a pretty nifty tutorial for basic networking using python, the language scripts are written in for the engine: http://heather.cs.ucdavis.edu/~matloff/Python/PyNet.pdf
it’s simple i concept, it connects to a client /server over ip through port.
compresses data(positions, rotations, health etc) into packets, sends them, receives back information.
WSAG basic network is a good place to start