Blender GE Competition for 2.48 release

I also agree that the contest should be all free, no kind of limitation, since the idea is to show off the capabilities of the BGE not to actually win, but the winner will maybe get a price :stuck_out_tongue:
I would participate but I’m not gonna make it XD

I like the idea of having teams because more work will get done therefor a better showing of the game engine. I think GLSL and python can be used but we should also have a category without to show you don’t need to be a coder to make an awesome game in Blender. If this goes well i think we should have a Blender World Cup (Game Engine).

Hmmmmm? :eyebrowlift2::eyebrowlift2:

Mmm, mmmm, mmmmmm.
I like the idea of the BWC(GE), get in contact with the people who run it and run your idea past them.

Here´s my opinion on which categories should be on the competition

Best overall Game(No limits, 40% price money)
Judgeing should be based on best overall optimized gameplay and texture work with no limits.

Best Old school game(No python, no GLSL, 30% price money)
Judgeing should be based on best overall optimized gameplay and texture work with no python and no GLSL.

Best Gameplay(No limits, 15% price money)
Judgeing should be based on best optimized gameplay so people will only add python if it optimizes the overall gameplay.

Best Graphics(No limits, 15% price money)
Judgeing should be based on best texture work and not overflowing unoptimized normal, specular and reflection maps.

Why do I insist that all catogories should be about optimizing gameplay and graphics well it´s because so everyone can participate on the compition not only those who can Python and GLSL in Blender but I still want this compition to showcase the possibilities of Blender possibilities so that why I think the price money for best overall game should be the highest.

and remember less is more in other words optimize your games as much as possible before adding new features to the game to ensure a quality game rather than a quantity game with little quality.


Your sentiment is seemingly a common theme appearing in this thread. But I have to ask the question, that if less is more then why do you see fit to seperate non GLSL prize from GLSL prize?

If your less is more mantra is true then neither should be disadvantaged if placed into the same pool. I honestly believe that you don’t need normal maps or GLSL to make a great game! That’s why I say that it should simply be one Best Game Category and it should include Python, no Python, HI poly, Low Poly, GLSL, and non GLSL.

What you guys seem to really be after is a Tiered Prize where you can have greater stakes for those who wish to place their entry into and a lighter stakes for those who want to place their entry into it. This way, those who are very confident in their capability can be free to compete against everyone regardless of their approach, ability to use Python or not to use Python.

so you can just have a big prize for those who want to compete for it. And a smaller prize for those who don’t.

I just beleive that it’s incredibly wrong to tie people’s hands like that from the get go, dont’ forget to make two large prizes like that is only cutting the prize into smaller bits, thus making it less attractive for people who aren’t necessarily already blender enthusiasts, and much of the purpose of such a competition is to try to appeal to people who arent already on board with BGE.

So yes, the big prize needs to be universally appealing, specifically for highly skilled groups and individuals. I’m not referring to myself. It’s just that I feel like the competition isn’t about money it’s about the game engine. And to set up rules designed to give more people a greater chance to make money is just silly. If you really love the BGE and blender and all that, and you ahve the time and willingness and knowhow to compete, you should enter anyway, even if your odds at winning it are relativly slim.

Personally i see it more as a game engine festival than a lottery.

To just crystallize what i’m saying I think this would be a fair approach:

If prize = 500 Euro
no restrictions to any category, you cannot enter both Highly Competitive and Community Spirit, you must choose one. User Favorite is decided by a vote that will take place in the forum, after the first 2 prizes have already been decided by a panel of judges selected by the hosts of the contest.

Highly Competitive Entry =400 Euro + blender T-shirts, books DVD, etc. (if you are from Japan, Russia, or France, OR if your user name is Campbell, Endi, or Pablo, you’ll want to enter this one)

Community Spirit Entry = 75 Euro + Blender Gear (Here’s where the people who are not from Japan, Russia, or France and who are not Campbell, Endi, and Pablo can have a chance to win)

User Favorite Entry Other than Prize Winners = 25 Euro + Blender Gear (This is my chance to win hahahahah! I beg everyone to vote for me shamelessly by promising to do all of their homework and make up their beds)

you right ! But in my opinion the main point is not the prize is more to show blender new capabilities and also compete each other. I mean it’s quite challenging and this is waht makes it interesting. Anyway I think we should spend less time thinking about the prize and the winning and more about our game.

I’m going to start mine soon.

Great idea. I’d say keeping it simple would be best. Three overall winners judged by a panel and based on certain criteria including graphics, gameplay, and game concept(creativity), all worth up to 10 points each.

Teams allowed, no limitations, no specifications.

Maybe I’ll ask Ton if the BI would consider sponsoring it with some goodies, but we kind of bled the banks dry during Apricot so I can’t push too hard :wink: Like it’s been said, the better the prizes the more and better the entries. Something like this would attract a crowd:

1st - 250 Euro, GameKit 2, Apricot DVD, Blender T-Shirt
2nd - 150 Euro, Blender T-Shirt
3rd - 100 Euro

Your sentiment is seemingly a common theme appearing in this thread. But I have to ask the question, that if less is more then why do you see fit to seperate non GLSL prize from GLSL prize?

If your less is more mantra is true then neither should be disadvantaged if placed into the same pool. I honestly believe that you don’t need normal maps or GLSL to make a great game! That’s why I say that it should simply be one Best Game Category and it should include Python, no Python, HI poly, Low Poly, GLSL, and non GLSL.

What you guys seem to really be after is a Tiered Prize where you can have greater stakes for those who wish to place their entry into and a lighter stakes for those who want to place their entry into it. This way, those who are very confident in their capability can be free to compete against everyone regardless of their approach, ability to use Python or not to use Python.

so you can just have a big prize for those who want to compete for it. And a smaller prize for those who don’t.

I just beleive that it’s incredibly wrong to tie people’s hands like that from the get go, dont’ forget to make two large prizes like that is only cutting the prize into smaller bits, thus making it less attractive for people who aren’t necessarily already blender enthusiasts, and much of the purpose of such a competition is to try to appeal to people who arent already on board with BGE.

So yes, the big prize needs to be universally appealing, specifically for highly skilled groups and individuals. I’m not referring to myself. It’s just that I feel like the competition isn’t about money it’s about the game engine. And to set up rules designed to give more people a greater chance to make money is just silly. If you really love the BGE and blender and all that, and you ahve the time and willingness and knowhow to compete, you should enter anyway, even if your odds at winning it are relativly slim.

Personally i see it more as a game engine festival than a lottery.

To just crystallize what i’m saying I think this would be a fair approach:

If prize = 500 Euro
no restrictions to any category, you cannot enter both Highly Competitive and Community Spirit, you must choose one. User Favorite is decided by a vote that will take place in the forum, after the first 2 prizes have already been decided by a panel of judges selected by the hosts of the contest.

Highly Competitive Entry =400 Euro + blender T-shirts, books DVD, etc. (if you are from Japan, Russia, or France, OR if your user name is Campbell, Endi, or Pablo, you’ll want to enter this one)

Community Spirit Entry = 75 Euro + Blender Gear (Here’s where the people who are not from Japan, Russia, or France and who are not Campbell, Endi, and Pablo can have a chance to win)

User Favorite Entry Other than Prize Winners = 25 Euro + Blender Gear (This is my chance to win hahahahah! I beg everyone to vote for me shamelessly by promising to do all of their homework and make up their beds

Highly Competitive Entry and User Favorite Entry Other than Prize Winners are good ideas

Community Spirit Entry=2nd place of all the best?

or did you mean a price for beginner/intermidiate BGE competetor(no limits) then how are the judges gonna judge on Community Spirit Entry?
Resticting on that part makes judgeing easier i think.

Wouldn´t it make it more confusing for intermediate competetor when they get the question
“I not sure if my game will win the Highly Competitive Entry should I make my game suck more so I have chance to win the Community Spirit Entry at leasttherefore my suggestion for restrictions for better use of the State Machine and so it is more motivating for beginner/intermidiate BGE competetor to participate to and think that they have a better chance to win and not feel that those who can python and GLSL has a better chance to win in this catogory

best gameplay was so showing Blender BGE gameplay capabilities but i think now this will be in Best overall Game so scratch that(less is more;))

best graphics was so 3d-artist would want compete more even if the gameplay sucks and show more commercial quality locking games(good hype for Blender i think)
i´m not sure thought whether this should be scratched or not


I like this, nice and simple. Maybe add some Blender stickers to the third prize. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately you misunderstood me.

You choose which of the first two prizes you want to compete for. Nobody else decides for you. In a sense there are two races, the 100m hurdle for the highest prize, and the 50m hurdle for the 2nd highest prize. It’s that simple.

I personally don’t care, but I’ve been seeing all of these requests by people to exclude Python and GLSL - I can only guess that they want to exclude the things that they are uncomfortable with using. Why would you want to exclude something that you rocked at?
In other words a lack of confidence in their ability to take a prize in the face of competition such as endi and pablo if they decide to join.
So I suggested what I have suggested so that people who feel like they couldn’t win against everybody may have a chance against SOME of us instead.

Me, personally, as i’ve said, I dont’ care. I don’t really think I’ll win regardless of the manner in which they choose to set this up. But I’m still entering.

sorry for misunderstanding before
your absolutly right
it took me some time to see that exluding things doesn´t really help beginner/intermediate competetors as much as having no limits
it´s just unnecessary to exclude ones possibilities to showcase BGE capbilities


wow that’s mighty big of you to say something like that

genuinely impressed - handshake

I love the idea, I subscribe to Participate with my friend eahz :slight_smile:
we want to win the T-shirt :wink: and maybe a few euros…
good luck to all

So when will this be “on like a chicken bone” ?

This sound cool, im in.:eyebrowlift:

Bumpz0rism!!! I’m definitely in. :slight_smile:

I’ll join in the fun(even though I won’t win). Now I just need a game idea.
(going off to ask friends :slight_smile: )

Where will this be announced when the contest is done being organized?

Also, does the game have to be started during the contest, or can I use something that in a current WIP?

Has anybody suggested a BlenderArtists Favorite Award? I think that’d be awesome.

I’m blenderartists’s favorite. wheres my trophy?

This sounds fun, but the plans need to be set.