Blender Guru Tutorial part 8. Red radius circle and not being able to paint in the right menu

So, I have been following the Blender Guru tutorial and it was going well until I got to the 8th episode. On the left side I can paint on the cube and it transfers from that to the donut on the right. But I cannot paint on the donut. And I tried many things like deleting the brush and adding new ones didn’t work. By trying to fix it I now have a red radius around my brush I do not know if that’s a bad thing. The Donut also looks like its not selected almost as its not there.


May you drop your blend file?

It says new users can not upload attachments. Even though I posted the screenshot up there.

Yes, it is a common restriction for new users up here, but you can always drop your blend file on a cloud storage, if you wish

I forgot about the cloud didn’t really use it. Thanks for the reminder. Here’s the file with the link.

It appears that blender has this box automatically selected and it fixes the non selected donut still cant paint.

Wow, I’m sorry man this was such an easy fix it appears this box was the whole error to this. I can now paint and do anything.

yeah, just uncheck that thing and you’re good to go

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