Hello there,
I wonder If there are some of you in Germany, specifically in the Berlin/Potsdam/brandenburg area.
I searched for something like a meetup and only found some old stuff.
It would be nice to meet and have some nerdy talks about blender.
Personally I use Blende for everything.
From fulldome graphics for the Planetarium over Game Engine models or cooking.
So… Show your self mates
Never hidden.
Thought I’m leaving for good, so BRL only for a few weeks more.
yes… here, here, here hystericallywaving
actually I just started to watch out for some meetups as well. Strange that there seems to be no Blender group in Berlin?!
I live in the Berlin area too, would be nice to get some kind of meetup going, wanted to start that for a while already.
I just prepared a new group channel in Blender Chat, feel free to join: https://chat.blender.org/#/room/#berlin-meetup:blender.org