A couple of weeks ago I tried to enter the 11 Second Club competition, but couldn’t seem to find any free proper working cartoon human rig to use in Blender. I think Man Candy is a great rig, but it has so much personality itself that it wasn’t usefull for me, I needed something more generic that I could modify into any character I needed to. I also downloaded some free rigs from Blendswap ( none of which had facial controls), and tried to get the Norman rig ( an excelent one, by the way) working, but my lack of ability made it really hard. So I decided to create a new human rig, taking advantage of the Rigify addon.It doesn’t have a real name yet, but here it is:
Since I’m not a “natural rigger” myself ( in fact, It’s the part I find harder to do) I tried to make everything as simple as possible. The rig’s first version is almost done, but It’s still not decent enough to be realased in public, so I think it’ll have to wait a bit.I’ll probably update my blog ( http://luksdm.blogspot.com) with some animation tests pretty soon, and maybe some videos showing how the rig works.