Blender human cartoon rig

A couple of weeks ago I tried to enter the 11 Second Club competition, but couldn’t seem to find any free proper working cartoon human rig to use in Blender. I think Man Candy is a great rig, but it has so much personality itself that it wasn’t usefull for me, I needed something more generic that I could modify into any character I needed to. I also downloaded some free rigs from Blendswap ( none of which had facial controls), and tried to get the Norman rig ( an excelent one, by the way) working, but my lack of ability made it really hard. So I decided to create a new human rig, taking advantage of the Rigify addon.It doesn’t have a real name yet, but here it is:

Since I’m not a “natural rigger” myself ( in fact, It’s the part I find harder to do) I tried to make everything as simple as possible. The rig’s first version is almost done, but It’s still not decent enough to be realased in public, so I think it’ll have to wait a bit.I’ll probably update my blog ( with some animation tests pretty soon, and maybe some videos showing how the rig works.

looks good man, the deformations look pretty clean. of course it’s hard to tell looking at just one pose. btw, i found the corrective shape keys add-on in 2.5 very helpful, in case you do run into any deformation problems.

Thanks for the tip :slight_smile: . I should be studying right now, but I made some time to do a quick render in a different pose, just to give it a try .

I really really LOVE the name!!! :smiley: