Blender Icons!!!


i’ve had that sitting on my hardrive for quite a while, i finally changed the colors around, and rendered using the toon shaders. it came out nicer than i expected so i posted it here.

hope you all like it!!!

geared toward linux/unix users, it’s a bziped tar file, with png files, no .icos. i’m sure if you want a windows version, there are some icon editors that open png files, and convert them to icos.

Lovely icon!!

Someone should set up q page with a side-by-side comparison of this icon, Landis’ icon, the current one and the previous one (and any others I might have missed.)

I like the look of this one a lot!

:smiley: thanks!!

windows users coughlemmingscough can get them seperately as png files.


have fun!!


cool icons…but how did you make them?

but I wonder, they look almost little to much toyish for me,
shouldn’t Blender’s stuff look very proffesional?


made in blender, with 4 sun lamps (no spec), 1 lamp (no diffuse), and some nice toon shaders.

i added the drop shadow in gimp, and resized/exported.

shouldn’t Blender’s stuff look very proffesional?

true dat.

i still like the toonish look. :wink: