Blender image texture node layout.

Hello, i would like to suggest to discuss image texture node layout.

My mockup:

Why? Color check-box would save click, there are more non-color textures needed that color ones, so it can take some time to set-up simple test with 4 textures.

Vector drop-down. It sometimes gets too complicated to hook-up all vector plugs, it takes time to de-clutter all the noodles. Would be nice if there was option to change vector without additional nodes.

Is it possible, and what are the downsides of this?

edit- generated textures could also use dropdown. My wet dream.

Personally not a fan of this idea (regarding the Color check box). An unchecked Color checkbox doesn’t—to me—naturally imply that you’re using non-color data. Instead, it seems to indicate that color is somehow disabled… or worse, indicating that the Color socket is disabled (as in your second mock-up).

I’d prefer a double output color/non color just because you could save a node in case you need the same texture
for color and bump/otherreason for example.
But I suspect that it wont save time.

Non-color output is better, but generetad textures have one, so i thought it is limitation or its this way for a reason.

I’d rather have multiple texture slots with add/remove function and color checkbox next to it, and of course similar outputs (incl alpha) right next to it to the right. Would mean we had a single node for a complete texture set (color, normal, bump, roughness, whatever). The color mode checkbox (would have to have useful tooltip) is not a shared trait for sure, but the others should be for a set (not completely sure about the linear/nearest neighbor stuff though (I rarely feel the need to change it). At the top would be “select multi texture” where you can select multiple textures at once and slots would be adjusted (probably only added, not removed). Yeah, give it some thought of course, but saving out on node space used could be very nice.