Blender Internal \ Cycles render engine - Exact shape of outer lighting box

Goodmorning All
I’m now busy understanding the Blender Internal and Cycles render engines and how they exactly work.
I’ve started by downloaded and read the original 1984 SigGraph paper on diffuse surface light interaction
Siggraph 1984 whitepaper on diffuse lighting

I’ve studied all principles, math and figures inside so now Blender Internal / Cycles things -
like [Energy],[Diffuse],[Specular],[Shadow] - finally start to make (more) sense to me:

I’ve build myself a little testscene to experiment with:

Now I’m stuck at the following Blender Internal section called: “World”
(for which I do not have found been able to find good (visual) documentation and/or tutorials)
So far I’ve figured out these facts through testing things myself

Now, according to the 1984 Siggraph paper, a rendering / raytrace engine has an “outer shell”
This is the outmost surface of the (lighting) box, inside which a (Blender) scene is placed

When testing with [Sky Color][/[Zenith Color] and/or HDRI background images
the outer shell shape seem to look like cylinder, but i’m not 100% sure.

Now for my questions:
1 - What is exact geometrical shape of the Blender Internal render-engine?
2 - What is exact geometrical shape of the Cycles render-engine?
3 - Is this outer-shell shape visually documented somewhere (website, ebook, tutorial)?

Thank you for your explanation, hints, tips which can help me understand this better.