I’ve been working with smoke and flame for a while in blender render- it’s a lot better than cycles! However, I’ve had a terrible time with the materials and I think it’s gotten to a point when it’s randomly choosing whether or not to work. Every other time (roughly) I make a scene with flame or smoke the voxel data won’t influence the emission and I have to quit the program and try again. I just recently had a working flame (finally) and when I baked it at a “high” quality (100 divisions) it disappeared in the render view. I don’t know if I should just quit trying or if I’m doing something serious wrong with the material that I can fix.
I’ve attached the file of my latest project. I can’t see the flame at all in rendered view: fireball.blend (505 KB)
In order to make it work I had to delete the domain-property and add it again. Then everything was fine - it rendered as it should.
So I have no clue what goes wrong on your machine You may try cycles - it is far less messy to set up a working smoke material.
Some other tip regarding your settings:
Enable adaptive domain (saves baking time) and high resolution (enhances the quality hugely) in your domain settings!
Whoops - I forgot to mention one quite significant mistake you made
You accidentally applied the smoke texture (voxel data) to your emitter object instead of applying it to your domain…
And: change the fire texture source to “flame”: