Hello All,
I 'm using Blender 2.77 and I have currently arrived at the native Blender Renderer engine, and I fully want to understand how it works and how I can use, adapt, modify it for my own Blender projects. I’ve already read many (free) e-book , articles and watched many videos about it, but I want to be able to truly understand AND visualize its inner workings. These are the steps i’ve already undertaken:
1 - Getting a firm theoretical background knowledge about:
- Computer graphics (in general)
- 3D modeling
- Texturing
- Rendering
- Ray-tracing
- Lighting
2 - “RTFM” and read the entire Blender Render manual over here:
Unfortunately the official Blender Render manual does not offer much in-depth / under-the-hood insight on how stuff really works.
3 - Looked at the Blender Wiki to find out more about the Blender Render engine documentation:
4 - Started to study OpenGL and CUDA rendering pipelines over here:
- https://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/opengl/CG_BasicsTheory.html
- https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Rendering_Pipeline_Overview
- https://www.khronos.org/opengl/
- https://www.khronos.org/opengles/
- https://www.opengl.org/
- https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-zone
5 - Studied OpenGL and GLSL Shaders over here:
Despite everything… I still have lots of technical in-depth questions about the Blender internal Render engine like:
A - What ARE the World: Horizon, Zenith and Ambient colors?
Are they real light sources (which get ray-traced) or visual overlays which gets mixed onto the camera image?
B - How does BI create “Environment Lighting”?
Is this done by just another (hidden) Lamp (like spot, point, hemi, sun, area) or is it something else?
C - How does BI create “Ambient Occlusion”?
(see A) Is it just another (hidden) light-source or a visual overlay on the camera-image?
D - Is there an internal hierarchy in BI Light-sources?
… So I can figure out which light settings influences which other light settings in what way (or not)
E - What are the value-ranges which can enter into the various BI-lamp settings?
since now I can only trail and error and trail and error again.
F - Where can I learn more about the Material settings in relation to lighting?
G - Where can I learn more about the Texture settings in relation to lighting?
H - Is it possible to learn-by-reading-BI-source_code, to download and study it from within?
This little gallery shows the progress i’ve made so far and shows my visualization steps to make Blender Render fully transparent:
I hope you can help me to solve BI - internal mysteries.
Thanks in advance for your hints, tips and tricks.