Blender: Iron Man like HUD to video


I want to make Iron Man like HUD for my video but I can’t find any tutorials. Does anybody know how to make it in blender?

I’m working on a movie that includes this effect, so I’ll be happy to help out. Really, there’s no trick to it- just lots of circles, some with wireframe and some with solid fill. Use emit values to give a glowing effect, and then set your video as the world background. Make sure the background’s on “Paper.” I can send you a .blend if you need more help.

Thanks for answering. I could need that .blend for training. Send it when you can.

Sure, I’ll post it on Blendswap soon.


Andrew uses only masks, and wiggle to move them randomly (you can also move your stuff randomly in blender as i explained here:
Just transfer it to blender, and learn to use the Compositor :wink:

Hope it helped,