Blender is for books too!

3D images can be used in other media formats. I have written a short children’s story book and illustrated it with 3D images. A Short Synopsis of the book:

“Let’s go swimming at the pool of the Durum Falls!” This was the suggestion that sent Princess Tsavona and her two equally adventurous friends Kijana and Kibonge on this wonderful adventure! Princess Tsavona and her friends go swimming at the pool at the bottom of the beautiful durum falls only to be amazed by a strange plant that was gold in colour. They excitedly decide to find out where it may have come from and they venture over the forbidden ridge and into the Golden Plains. Read more about the exploits of the adventurous trio in this exciting book!

To see more about the book go to

The book is an excellent read and you may support me by downloading a copy for your kids.
