Blender is growing, but some areas isn't

To calculate parts and type of materials, eg. something is as metal, plastic, glass. Need to know final usage of this materials in product, calculate some costs maybe, etc.
Now table window exist, so some addon is possible.

It’s also related with some part of design prototypes as blue prints, some description for products, parts.

Regardin the first part. There are solution for blenders as addons that supporting CNC machines, Gcodes, etc. as CAD/CAM/CAE… well not far from this. And the simulation of machines regarding project design. But the discuss is about the first phase of projecting something with precision.

This all small problem are confusing thats why users like stuff where is no problem and not so complicated. I understanding iteration in development, but if I see huge focus on nodes, etc.features in case of this basic lacks then I’m not soo happy with direction of “growing”.
And limitations for collections.

It was also focus on A.Flash Animate idea with keyframes and “immersion” in objects, and related to keyframes scritps with conditions “play()”, “stop()”, “playonce()”, “goto(key)”, pause(),.

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