i have installed python multiple times, is there a specific place that i need to install it to? if so where is that? could it be the version of python(3.1) that im trying to install or doesnt that matter? thanks in advance
Depending on which version of Blender you’re using, you should need to download the respective Python version.
For reference, Blender 2.49b requires Python 2.6 I believe, and Blender 2.5x requires Python 3.1.
I think you have to point blender to your python folder in the “File Paths” menu from inside the top drawer.
2.56 has onboard I think. My Py interpereter is one of the 2pointSomethings but my Blender 2.56 runs without needing to be told where python is.
my blender also says that python is not installed. Yet it is. I can use all the python fuctions, even though Blender doesn’t notice. Whatever. otherwise,tarkata14 is right, U probably dont have the right python installed
idk if i would call it version, but i fixed the problem and i know what it was, for whatever reason when i downloaded blender(i ment to download 64bit version) i must have accidentally installed the 32 bit version, and when i installed python it was the 64 bit version, so when i downloaded the 64 bit version of blender(2.49b) i made sure that it was the 64 bit version and the problem went away i guess it would be a version problem, thanks guys!