Blender Keyboard Tracker

I have created AutoHotkey Script for my Blender’s tutorials I’m creating with Wink


  • Shows keyboard shortcuts
  • Shows mouse button state
  • Supports transparency
  • Can be docked into 4 cornersI hope that wil be helpful to you as well.

You can edit script(AutoHotkey.ahk) yourself and use AutoHotkey. But this package already contains precompiled executable.


Download: (225KB)

Wow. That’s impressive. Thanks for such a useful tool.

This is a great little prog. But… can you make it so that the key presses are displayed for an X amount of time? Anything from until depressed to “infinite until other key pressed”

The reason for that is that I use OSD (from another Blender user) a lot because it exhibits that behavior. It is very important for time lapses otherwise you won’t see what keys are pressed.

edit: O yeah, just seen that this is your first post. Welcome to the Blender forums, and boy, you really came out swinging! Nice start :slight_smile:

Very helpful- thank you Lexus!


Let me add that there is another script very similar to this one, I’m linking it here just so anyone can try both and see which one is best suited for specific situations / configurations.
