Blender Lagging

I have used blender for many years on a Intel D 3.330 ghz ,Nvidia 7600 Gs,2gbs with no lag what so ever.How ever on my new computer a retina Mac book with an i7 2.3 ghz,650m graphic card and 8 gbs with and SSD it lags in activety monitor it is barely using any of my CPU or GPU but it is using the dedicated graphics card .Is this an issue with the mac os version and shall i install it on my win8 partion or is there another issue.
Thanks for your help
Note performance for other application is fine and it can easily run skyrim on max setting with no lag.

I noticed severe lags on OSX as well. My scene had a modest number of particles (3,600) and whenever I tried to enter Fly mode to move the camera the entire Blender app locks up for 1-3 seconds. When control finally returns to the interface all of sudden my camera is way off in space.

I also am experiencing lag on my MBP. Seems like whenever I use any of the transform tools, it stutters like crazy (almost as though I had snap on, but I don’t have snap on and it’s not that consistent).

However, if I move the viewport camera around, it’s smooth and nice. If I use the subsurf modifier on a cube and start sculpting it, it’s ultra responsive and nice – but as soon as I select a poly face and try to translate it, it goes ULTRA slow.

Super disappointing, I hope there’s some way to fix this.

I too have noticed this. 2.64 only rarely had hiccups. But 2.65 lags out for a second every 5 clicks or so. No processor demands, no memory spikes, it even happens in scenes that have very little detail at all (like the default scene), so it’s not a matter of choking the computer. The program just inexplicably lags.

(Mac OSX 10.6.8, Macbook Pro3,1, 2GB memory, GeForce 8600M GT)

Also Blender 2.65 generates blank “Render Result” windows every time a Render is performed, and then canceled (while the rendering is in progress) via closing the window.

The window remains invisible unless you specifically select it from the window menu. But I wonder if it’s hogging memory or somehow responsible for the lag?

[edit]I submitted the bug report for the extra render windows and Brecht fixed it in a jiffy, so good news!

Hmmm, Atom just cured a problem I was having with my display…The suggestion was to go to the User Preferences, System tab and change Window Draw Method. That stopped my lagging problem.

Atom, have you tried this?

Try, Preferences/System/Multisample set to No Multisample. That should work.