Blender manual text needs clarifications

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Operating system: macOS-10.15.7-x86_64-i386-64bit 64 Bits

Blender Version
Broken: version: 3.4.0 Alpha, branch: master, commit date: 2022-08-18 23:03, hash: rBf5aac6662d35

Short description of error
At this page:

There is this piece of text:

Always dissolve vertices that have two edge users at boundaries.

as highlighted in this screenshot image:


In it’s context, “Limited Dissolve”, can someone please explain exactly what the part:
“two edge users at boundaries”

really means? And please give a demo in a file or a couple images to demonstrate exactly what you mean. Thank you.

I couldn’t understand and thus unable to recreate an usable example. Used this example but doesn’t seem to be able to see any differences.

20220922_disolve_limited_0001.blend824 KBDownload

Next, at the following page:

[](Bevel Vertices)

The following part:


The exact distance along edges adjacent to the beveled edge. A difference from Offset is visible when the unbeveled edges attached to beveled edges meet at an angle besides a right angle.

I can’t figure out the meaning of the word: “besides a right angle”

Does it mean “besides” as “laying next to” or “not” (a right angle).
Can someone please clarify this for me. If possible with an example. I created this example:

20220922_bevel_orig_shape_0001.blend (814.5 KB)

and cannot really see for myself.

Thank you.

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Limited Dissolve
“two edge users at boundaries” probably refers to a vertex that is at an edge of a boundary (in this case the edge of a flat surface, not to confuse with “edge”, a line connecting 2 vertices), and has 2 edges (this time the edge, which is a line between 2 vertices) attached to it. I think I figured it out in these screenshots:

Absolute Bevels

I think they mean “not”, since I think I’ve seen Blender docs use that wording, and for “laying next to” they’d probably use “next to”. And also because I don’t think anything would happen if something is “next to” a 90 degree angle specifically, especially if they aren’t connected. (And they would probably state “connected edges” or something) But, I couldn’t see the difference from the Offset calculation method when testing that out, so maybe I’m wrong.
BTW, I didn’t use Blender 3.4.0 Alpha, that may influence things.
Sorry for the lack of confirmation.
And thanks for asking the questions. I got stuck at the second one before, and seems like I still can’t beat it.
Correct me if I’m wrong chat

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Thank you Minamookevlar for explaining the first part PERFECTLY. I can really see vertices with only two edges connecting to it and the effect of the operator on those vertices in Limited Dissolve, turning those into faces.

The second part, I tried again, and in these images:
the original selection of edges to be beveled:

Bevelled using default Offset option

Bevelled using Absolute option

I can sort of see the corners, where un-bevelled edges meets bevelled edges at an acute angle.

Thank you for clearing that for me too.

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No problem! I had the same issue trying to understand the second bevel part, and now I kind of get it thanks to you. I guess a lot of times you just need to visualize it. Thanks! :+1:

Well, if there’s something in the docs that needs improvement, “write it up!” If you can propose a better way to say it, you might become an author.