Blender Materials In Crystal Space

I’ve been playing around with CEL and I’ve yet to find a way to get Blender materials to work inside of CS. Is there any way to get them to work inside of CS.

I’m pretty sure that when I tried Ogre about a year ago, that it worked fine with blender materials.


I dont think it would work… The Ogre build was working inside blender but CS works externally. So I say no work.

you can cheat to some extent by using the new baking to create quick textures based on the materials

since were talking about CS here, Ive got a question about installation.

Ive installed it just fine (set the prefixes and everything), but when I try to run it, it exports it all to somewhere, the nothing happens. No error in the console.

um, no - that’s a hi-jacking

go straight to jail

do not pass Go

do not collect $200


Sorry, I just wanna use CS it really bad :frowning:

No blender materials dont work in CS how ever you can use uvmapped textures. and im not completely sure but i think render baking can turn blender materials into a uvmapped texture

okay you can use rendering baking to do that

Oh my goodness I want to kiss you guys!!! =)

thanks a lot
