Is there anything in the Blender pipeline where Tweak mode is going to be incorporated?
Right now, tweaking in Blender is equivalent to: select vert/edge/face, then hit G, drag and let go. Select>Gkey>drag>let go… OR right-click drag selected item, then left-click to execute. A bit tedious, if I may say.
As opposed to just drag and let go, drag and let go via either left or right click, which most applications have. Until these are incorporated, I don’t think modeling in Blender will be highly recommended.
I have to wonder how many people actually model in Blender. Or do the majority of open source users prefer using Wings3d, then do the rest in Blender? Or are they forced to use commercial applications? …Just curious.
I’m not sure what you mean by Smart Highlighting but if it’s showing the Face Loop or Ring where subdivision or cuts will be made or showing loops or rings that will be selected (before selection) then 2.38 had some implimentation that was dropped in 2.40 but I can’t say why.
Thanks for the reply. Right now, modeling in Blender is just too tedious for me. I have to figure out when to use it’s modeler, type of objects that are faster to do than in Wings3d, etc. In other words, where its modeling features excels the most.
As opposed to just drag and let go, drag and let go via either left or right click, which most applications have. Until these are incorporated, I don’t think modeling in Blender will be highly recommended.
You can do this with widgets.
Plus if you select something, click and drag with left mouse button a short distance, then let go. Saves hitting ‘g’.
Wow! I’ve been using Blender on and off for 2 yrs. and I’ve never known this simple trick. What I’ve always done is to right-click-drag (selects and moves the selection), then finish off with a left-click. I didn’t know you can actually let go of the right-click selection, then left-drag them anywhere you want. Thanks!
Only problem is, it still requires 2 clicks: right-click (select), then left-click. As opposed to just dragging with one button (selection and moving combined)… Anyway, thanks.
Aye, it’s not a full-blown “gestures” implementation, but LMB and draw a circle with some verts selected, that’s Scale, draw an arc from right to left, that’s Rotate, Draw a straight(ish) line and that’s Move… etc.
You’re right that it needs some ususability tweaking, I’d especially love a faster way to vertex group / ungroup / select group (hotkey’d)… but hey, the code’s right here and if you can submit an example that makes them go “nice!” I’m sure you’ll get a CVS write acct.
I might as well learn how to write Python scripts. This is just a matter of exiting temporarily, disabling all features except the tweak mode. (Well, not exactly exit like you go to a console or something.) Much like Wings3d. All it needs to implement is to be able to move a vert/edge/face by dragging with either RMB or LMB. If smart highlighting could be implemented, so much the better.