BLENDER MUSCLE SIMULATOR ADD ON(available on Blender Market)

Hei Guys,

the NEW DEMO how to use the Muscle Tools is available take a look :smiley:

Coloremblem, kudos to you for being so calm and mature with everyone arguing on your thread! :smiley: I think this is a great tool, and I will buy it, perhaps in the future when all the kinks have been worked out and it is a little more polished! Great job.

Thank you :slight_smile:
I am working for the moment at a function to dierect bring the muscle to the desired bones :wink:

You know that youā€™ll get updates for free later if you order it now, yes? :wink:

@coloremblem - Very cool new demo! Itā€™s really starting to look just like Maya Muscle!

Thank you also :slight_smile:

That was a way better demonstration video coloremblem! Great job :slight_smile:
What features do you have planned for the next release?

Thank you :slight_smile:
One feature will be to place the muscle direct between two defined joints and also some improvements of the mirror muscle and sticky bind :smiley:

This thread is a good example of why people at CGTalk donā€™t take Blender seriously. Here is someone who spent their time and effort to support the community and instead of supporting him back you cheap bastards complain about paying for software. If you are serious about your craft you have to pay for the tools. Tools can be expensive. In everything from fine arts to plumbing this is true. Why should computer graphics be any different just because you grew up in an entitled culture where apparently paying for your tools is considered a bad thing.

There are add-ons to other software that does way less that cost more, but because itā€™s for Blender it needs to be free. Pitiful.

amen to that!

I got a copy to support its development.

One thing worries me though. The blender foundation is planning on introducing official muscle system in blender. its on their map.
What happens with this one then?

Can they use the fact its GPL and use the code in it for their system? Wouldnt that hurt your sales when theirs is out?

If not, would you then consider competing with their official implementation once its out, or would you try to aid its feature set instead of replicating it?

I know I am raising some really annoying questions to somebody who needs to get support for their work. I suppose I am curious
about the GPL nature of it and if it does in fact allow blender foundation to include a GPL plug in that is in the market place in the official release.

Why are you bringing this up again?

Saw the creator of this plugin demo this at the Blenderconference and i must say iā€™m impressed. Give him some time to polish and this will be more usable with every new version.

Thank you all very much for these nice words :slight_smile:


This weekend I was on the blender conference and talked to Campbell Barton(A really good C Coder for Blender) He gave me some advice how to improve the addon and now i have some more ideas. And i am pretty sure there is no muscle system planned for blender and if its the case it would be great if you could send me the link. That would be awesome :slight_smile:

I am not the guy who wants to make much money with add ons. I want to improve blender and give my part for adjusting some things. Its just some pocket money i need to drive to univerity every day :smiley:

And the technique is free. The add on is just a way to make things much easier :wink:

well i cant seem to find the post it was mentioned as a planned thing. Maybe it was just my imagination. However there have been mentions of it in the air

and finaly its been discussed in the comments, but nothing official

I guess my question was very much about the general nature of gpl of a plugin and how that could affect itā€™s future.

looks cool!

Having played around with Blender muscle simulation a bit myself, the one big question for me is however: whatā€™s deformation quality like? Does your solution allow more complex setups (i.e.: can you use it to rig a ā€œcompleteā€ muscle system with intersecting influence zones of muscles, good deformation behaviour in kink areas and so on), or is it just an ā€œabbreviationā€ for manually created shrinkwrap targets with all their pitfalls?

The latter from what I can tell right now, your muscle system Helmut is still the best Iā€™ve seen in terms of quallity results (ease of useā€¦thatā€™s another story)

Have you developed your method any further (the one you were using on ā€œA Dream Of Melā€? Howā€™s progress on that btw, I was really liking that project.)

@Auuman Anubis:
nope, itā€™s still on hold. Work on my comic project pulled too much time, while using Booleans led into a dead end for the moment, as the carvelib booleans donā€™t work predictably enough for this purpose (they seem to fail on self-intersecting meshes ā€¦). Had the idea to work around this by developing a new modifier, which is able to mask out ā€œinnerā€ parts of meshes (which would make all the Boolean stuff unnecessary), but failed to actually do it.

Furthermore, annoyance about the female character model I used for the rig from an artistic point of view (hell, what did I take?) added itself to all of the above ā€¦

I think, ā€œadvancedā€ muscle systems in Blender are not possible at the moment. We need suitable deformers first, or at least some ā€œhacksā€ to make the existing ones work a bit better for the purpose.
Easing muscle system setups makes not too much sense from my point of view as long as the deform aspects of muscle rigs are unsolved.

[OT]Concerning ā€œA Dream Of Melā€: Iā€™m happy you liked it - itā€™s postponed, not dropped. Iā€™d still prefer to have characters with muscle rigs for it, but despite the problems illustrated above, other barriers have accumulated in the mean time, too. Continuing work on it also means to get into Cycles, learning node based materials and so on ā€¦ AND Iā€™m not satisfied with the character model quality anymore ā€¦ need a bit more activation energy to accumulate, before I can tackle all this again. :slight_smile:
Btw, I would post my reworked female protagonist if I could ā€¦ however it seems my old ā€œMelā€ thread has been closed in the mean time.

if my experiences are helpful for your work, Iā€™d share them happily, of course.