Blender Museum!

Hey everyone, I’m not dead! And I have two extra renders that I think you’ll like, one’s of a Blender museum frame I made for a 3-second animation for fun one night and the one on bottom is my radiosity test.
The walls were modeled in 3ds Max, rendering was with Blender’s Radiosity and Raytracing options set on its internal renderer. Say what you like about it, I’m just getting into architectural rendering. :slight_smile:

Well, the architectural aspect of this work isn’t that interesting I must say. The scene is quite empty and there’s not much to say about it. The logo’s look good for they are acurately modelled. The reflective floor looks interesting, interesting because a shiny floor is always interesting. I’d say remove the reflections on it or decrease it to an absolute minimum. If the top frame was a print screen from Blender Game Engine graphics, I’d say it is nicely achieved. But it’s a rendered frame from an animation and therefor I must say it isn’t that impressive. About the radiosity one, try increasing the samples (if it is Ambient Occulusion you are using, it sure looks like AO) to 12 or 16 or something, otherwise you’d get this grainy looking render.
Sorry that I might sound harsch, I hope you’l understand my opinion about this peace.
All-in, the logo’s modelling is pretty nice and the floor texture does it’s work, but I’d ove to see some things modified (floor, AO, perhaps a nice bevel for the logo’s?) and it’d be a lot better.

Take care


Thanks for the reply. :slight_smile: I forgot to add at the top that the blender logo’s not mine (I took it off kator-legaz before they briefly shut down, credit to whoever made this logo if you’re reading this) but the other logos are mine. Back to the technical aspects, i understand your opinion. I’ll have to dig up this file and work on it when i have the time.