I generally make animations realistic very mathematically, like making something move exponentially or decay exponentially or move in a circle 1 frame by 1 frame. But occasionally, I lose track of things and just like in photoshop, it would be really useful to have a pose history, like “moved bone.001 2 units +y, rotated bone.001 2 degrees around global x…”
In fact, I’ll contribute to pay people to in the blender staff to implement some of the stuff I’m looking for, like $50 per thing or just pay them individually to on paypal to make it and add it to blender.
Actually, that’s another thing I want, a custom frame interpolator for using in 3D view and the timeline. The graph editor is always a giant mess and there’s no way to manually make something behave exactly as you want. So, what I want is a tool that, at a specified frame of a particular bone, it interpolates the motion for either/and translation, rotation and scale, either from whatever previous keyframe:
Exponentially Increasing
Exponentially Decaying
Spherically/Ovaloidally (based on an invisible auxiliary line drawn between the two points)
Sinusoidally (with previously specified interpolations, amplitude, frequency, associated axis, random motion option, ability to interpolate axis at different times with previously specified interpolations)
Why have both exponential decay AND slow logarithmic growth? Because logarithms diverge to infinity and exponential decay approaches a finite number, two different outcomes and rates of motion.
You can save poses to pose library if that helps. Select bone / armature in pose mode, then translate/rotate and press Ctrl + L . Then on the pop up select add new. On the tool shelf or parameter menu (f6) rename the pose and set a number for it. You can access previous poses using Shift + L in pose mode.
Nothing anyone is describing is what I’m looking for. What blender needs is a simple simple simple list of actions that the user has performed in a history panel, like every adobe program, and that’s it.
It seems pretty obvious that no one is quite understanding what you’re trying to describe. It’s probably best to create a mock-up that shows what it looks like, where it would go in the interface, and how it would behave.
They understand it, they just don’t think I need it which is why they offered their own solutions, but there’s nothing they said that does exactly what I need. I already explained it in detail, so you will have to read the sentences I put since the title doesn’t explain everything to you.
It’s an extraordinarily basic concept that can’t possibly be put into simpler terms: a list of things you’ve done in the program. It’s the perfectly exact same thing as the history state recorder that already exists in blender, except it simply displays the list of things that could be undone in a list rather than keeping them hidden for no reason whatsoever for when you press ctrl+z a random number of times to try and guess when you did something and spend 5 minutes recalculating the exact numbers to transform something again.
I mean the fact that you posted a link that describes almost perfectly what I’m looking for just shows your first point is moot and that you did actually understand what I said, so it’s probably better for you to just work with people to to make the software better or contribute to solutions than to try and argue for no reason.
But anyway, it’s very close but the problem is still that the “undo last” with F6 needs to be available for EVERY history action that comes up when you press ctrl+alt+z, but that info doesn’t exist when you press ctrl+alt+z. And ideally it would be a consistent permanent sidebar next to “Transform.” No one’s going to remember what small angle they rotated something at from 20 history states ago, so F6 info shouldn’t only be limited to the last action, and it doesn’t matter what the workflow is because human memory is limited no matter what workflow you have; there isn’t a specific workflow where this wouldn’t be a problem.
What you are asking for isn’t so much a pose history as it is full on history stack(as in no point developing it for the pose-mode alone if someone is even willing to pick this up in the first place), similar to those in say maya and max. This would be a huge feature to implement and would likely require a lot of architectural refactoring. I’m inclined to agree that it would be a ‘sexy’ feature to have, however considering the very maya & max examples such a system would, at least initially be very unstable and take quite a bit of time to mature. I suspect the new dependency graph might make this more doable than it has been in the past however. Yeah, this has been requested by some before.
Anyways I’m not a developer so I’m in no position to say how likely it is to ever be implemented, so all I can offer is a guess that unless one of the blender institute projects ends up adding it as a target the only other way something like this will happen is if one of the more experienced developers decides to pick it up as a pet project out of their own interest in it.
You can get a list of performed actions if you pull down the “info” region, however you can’t use that for undo. As you can see from there, it’s not quite as simple as listing the performed actions. You need to determine what it did semantically (i.e.“moved bone.001 2 units +y”) as opposed to how the application state is transformed (i.e. “call the “translate” operator with (0,2,0)” while the bone object happens to be selected).
In fact, I’ll contribute to pay people to in the blender staff to implement some of the stuff I’m looking for, like $50 per thing or just pay them individually to on paypal to make it and add it to blender.
I welcome your willingness to pay, but I’m afraid you’re underestimating the cost of software development by at least one magnitude.
My apologies. You listed two features in your original post and spent the bulk of the post talking about the other feature. It should be pretty easy to understand how you’ve confused people who’ve visited your thread. Also, this forum is overflowing with visual people… a mock-up is always useful in these discussions. Just because you know what you’re asking for, you can’t assume that everyone else does. We have a lot of non-native English speakers here and your feature requests (both of them) can absolutely be conveyed in simpler terms. In fact, this post proves that. It also shows that you’re not looking for a pose history, you’re looking for a full construction history. That’s a different thing… and your clarification has done a lot to help other people in the thread understand what you’re asking for.
Also, you might get more favorable responses if you don’t treat every reply as if it’s an attack on you.