Blender Nerd Contest - MUSIC

Hey guys, over on we are hosting a little contest.

The theme is Music.
There are pretty much no rules, only that it must be an image where you have used blender to create at least some of it.

Submit entries via email to [email protected]

Contest ends 9 March

no entries?

well a bunch of them “did” just do some music entries for my contest bout 2 weeks ago they may not be up for it again alrdy


There are now so many challenges here on BA that in order to successfully launch a new one, it needs to be quite unique. I’d say, stick to your wallpaper challenge. Become the biggest CG wallpaper competition on the internet. Maybe ramp up the challenge a bit. Maybe say that the prize for winning is a front page article on Blender Nerd containing the winning wallpaper + a link to the author’s portfolio site. (which = publicity for the artist, which usually = lots of entries) And write an awesome exclusive tutorial and give it only to the winner. I am dreaming here, but think something up :slight_smile:

The big thing is, why would I enter this contest rather than another?



:spin: very good point… and i like the idea of a prize bein on my site… saying i ever get it onto the server :slight_smile:

Yea I know… but the contest wasn’t all me, so the wallpaper thing might not work. We do have a prize or two for the next one though :wink: Really really nice prizes actually

I am creating a Drum Music Simulation and within 2-3 days I will show.

i have my entry almost ready, check out the Screamin Mic! thread here on Blender Artists in the WIP page, it will be up in here as soon as i finish it
(i can still turn in by 9 march rightr?

Awesome. Yep, 9th March is the deadline

alright good, because i saw this on your sight, but wasnt sure where to put my final, i just post here right?

Submit entries via email to [email protected]

alright, thanks, put it on my current challenges notepad, will give the new pic soon!!