Blender on XGL enabled desktop!

Screenshots from a korora-liveCD. Blender 2.41 dynamic in KDE 3.5

Sorry for redirecting to another forum, but I couldn’t upload images here!



I want it for Kubuntu. :slight_smile:

Yeah I really want to play with this. But why just 3d cubes?

It can do more than 3D cubes.

But the 3D cube is the coolest and yet most useful.:smiley:

I have XGL running on my linux box and I use blender with it too.

The only thing that really bugs me is the F12 shortcut to render. On XGL, F12 makes thumbnails of all your windows. Apparently, Compiz’s (which is the window manager) shortcuts override the the application’s shortcuts. Everytime I render, I have to click on the render button. :frowning:

The only thing that really bugs me is the F12 shortcut to render. On XGL, F12 makes thumbnails of all your windows. Apparently, Compiz’s (which is the window manager) shortcuts override the the application’s shortcuts. Everytime I render, I have to click on the render button


Does the desktop run smoother with XGL then without it?

things appear to run a lot more fluidly…I’m not sure about faster . . . the eyecandy sure does make it appear faster though.

I came across this before; I guess I was kinda confused :smiley:

Is this only available for Linux or does it support Windows to?

EDIT: Arg, it says "Raises the bar for Linux desktop, which I assume means their leavin out us Windows users :frowning:

Me too, on Suse 10.1 & KDE. I tried it a few months ago when word of this was just coming out, and it really wasn’t stable, and Blender was unusable with XGL. Even now, the integration to KDE is a little behind Gnome, but it’s working much better than it was. I had some issues that I had to work out, but it’s working well for me.

I think the OpenGL performance is improved, but I didn’t clock it.

The only thing that really bugs me is the F12 shortcut to render. On XGL, F12 makes thumbnails of all your windows. Apparently, Compiz’s (which is the window manager) shortcuts override the the application’s shortcuts. Everytime I render, I have to click on the render button. :frowning:

I use gconf to edit the settings, and I have the key set to F9, which is the same key that OS X uses for that function. In a command line, type “gnome-xgl-settings” and then to “compiz --replace gconf” when you’re done.

It actually is useful… ask any Mac user if Expose is just eye candy. Well, except for that rain & water effect (shift + F9,) that’s just eye candy. I’m going to see if I can extend the Blender workspace around two sides of the cube, to switch layouts faster.

Also: the alt-tab switching is fantastic too. It’s not just the thumbnail switching that’s nice, it’s the way the whole rest of the screen uses transparancy to bring attention to the active window. I don’t even have to look at the center of the screen to see what it’s bringing attention to.

Its for

The windows desktop thingy isnt open source.