I want to run an article at blender.org about current game projects in the game engine. I think it might be nice for those people not spending a ton of time on these forums to kind of have a looksee on what everyone over here is working on you know? Mostly looking for those big projects (with team, or just big period) that have a promising future or those smaller projects (with team or otherwise) that are almost surely going to be finished and very polished.
Still, don’t hold off if you don’t quite fit the category, but I don’t want it to be a list of vaporware games if you know what I mean. A year from now, I would like to see every game on the list either released or still in the making:)
We want to make non-gameengine people excited about the games that are being made with it, and the article can also be a good reference point to tell your friends about. It’s good advertising for your games, and blender!
If you or your team want to be in the article, email me ([email protected]) pm me, or contact me somehow, with a description of the game, an idea of when demos/the game will be out or some idea of how fast you are progressing, some info on team members (or personal info if you ARE the team), and some screenshots that show it off. Try to keep the description short enough that people will read through the whole thing, maybe about 3 or 4 paragraphs. Depends on the description.
Game name: Dark Squad Genre: First Person Shooter Estimated demo release: Sometime in October
Game info:
Dark Squad is a mission based first person shooter with eight distinctive levels. Each level has lots of surprises and enemys to defeat, and we have focused on creating lots of variation throughout. A number of people regularly test the game for mistakes and gameplay glitches, so hopefully it will be quite playable when it is released in october. Six out of eight levels have been created so far, although none of wich are completely finished yet, and there are plenty of things to adress. Sometime soon I expect to release a movieclip from the game for you to see. It should give a good idead of how the game is to play.
Monkeyboi - Main Developer
Ineedanewbike - Has contributed with Logic Bricks
Saluk - Has contributed with Python scripts
Iconjunky - Has contributed with Python scripts
ZuiQ - Texture artist
Game Name: Twilight Quest
Genere: Hack&Slay with Adventure Elements
Release Date: Sometime after the Game Engine is back in Blender
Team: Just Me, and all Guys on elysiun and plend.polis who helped me with a lot of Questions. Thanks Men!
Game Info:
Explore a huge middle age World with a lot of Details. Everywhere You can find some useful Things. Use Your Brain to crack some Puzzles and defend Your Life by slaughter Your Enemies. But the first Rule is: Have Fun!
The World is divided in 10 (maybe more in Future) Parts whereas You can enter each Part, every Time in HalfLife Style. TQ supports Multilanguage. At the Moment, English and German. It should not be a Problem to add more. The Game has an open Text System with Layout support. You can find Papers, Letters, Books and Maps and You are able to read them. Unrenounceable is the Inventory. There You can carry and examine Your Objects. The Game use Inventory Objects automaticley if You stand on the right Place or push the right Button. To push a Button, just walk on it. There is no Use-Key necessary (Quake Syle). All other Keys, You can define freely. I also implemented a nice Door-Enine. Doors don’t shoves the Player or press him through Walls anymore. And there is much more. Some cool SpecialFX are allot in the World.
To do List:
first finishing the Leveldesign … then:
Enemies - Just cracking Puzzles is to boring.
Weapon Engine - Because You have to fight a lot!
Blood&Gore Engine - Be able to transform the World into a Slaughterhouse!
NPC’s - Peopele You can talk with and get some Stuff from.
Life Engine - At the Moment, the Player can’t die.
Load&Save - Necessary if dying is possible sometimes.
Game Menue - Where You can do some Settings.
Sound&Musik - I have to do some cleanup on my Keyboard first.
… (maybe more)
I want to make a Game, i would buy!
You see, i’ve got a lot of Work to do. So, i should not lose more Time and go back to work. If You are curiously, have a look at the Sceenshots on my Website. I will update them in the next Time, so come back soon.
Description Bank robbery game. Dont have any screenshots becuase im still working on the mechanics. But heres a list of things i have got working.
Hand to hand combat mode, the character has a range of combo of moves that all characters react to including blood spurts.
Ability to take character hostage and intimidate them.
Car physics are sorted including proper suspension which i believe hasnt been done before in blender.
A range of weapons, from good old baseball bat to rocket launcher. And gadgets like safecrackers and the like.
To do…
Have two lackeys that help you in your bank robberies and be able to give them squad commands.
“Control” system… while robbing the bank you will have a control meter if you dont watch the hostage and fire the obligitary shots in the air then they will start to get to cocky and try to trigger alarms etc.
Reconissance mode, scope out the bank before hand to look for security measures or weakpoints.
An ever increasing difficulty of banks from hit and run jewelry stores to laser protected fort knox installations.