Blosm: Import of Google 3D Cities, OpenStreetMap, Terrain

Hi @Edmis
Please try the following:
After the import paste the following code snippet to the Blender’s Python Console and press Enter:

import math
def fromGeographic(lat, lon):
    radius = 6378137.
    k = 1.
    lat = math.radians(lat)
    lon = math.radians(lon-C.scene["lon"])
    B = math.sin(lon) * math.cos(lat)
    x = 0.5 * k * radius * math.log((1.+B)/(1.-B))
    y = k * radius * ( math.atan(math.tan(lat)/math.cos(lon)) - math.radians(C.scene["lat"]) )
    return x, y, 0.

Then executed the following line the Blender’s Python Console (use your own geographical latitude and longitude instead of lat and lon):

C.scene.cursor.location = fromGeographic(lat, lon)

For example:

C.scene.cursor.location = fromGeographic(55.75516, 37.61610)
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